Downright Humiliation!

In the Nandu Nation army…

"Puff!" Lou Qianxue huffed and puffed. Her face became slightly pale. The high-intensity killing on top of repeatedly using Abnormal Fire had brought her stamina to the limits.

A million soldiers were truly extraordinary!

Her hands had become numb just from the killing alone.

She closed her eyes. "There should be three more repositories… Never mind, I shall take a break before continuing! Injuring myself over such a simple mission won't be worth it."


The Wu Jin Meteorite Iron glistened with an icy sheen, and it instantly beheaded a Nandu soldier by the side.

"I'll stop playing with you guys for a while!"

Lou Qianxue's figure flashed. She hid behind a huge tent where no one could see her. With a mental cue, she entered the Mountain River Space.


Immediately after entering the Mountain River Space, Lou Qianxue grabbed a blood ginseng to replenish her energy.
