Just Like a Clown!

"Oh? Why do you say this?" Crown Prince Yu said with curiosity, "Please tell us what happened last night."

"Yes, yes. Quickly share how all of you infiltrated the one-million-strong army and burned down the 15 food repositories!" Zhen Guogong stared at the 15 Chu Army soldiers with wide eyes, As his face flushed with excitement.

The Chu Army soldier who had spoken first shared about the things Lou Qianxue did last night, as well as what he saw.

"Change into the clothes of the Nandu Nation soldiers? This idea may be feasible, but you risk being discovered anytime. If you get exposed…"

"What? Every time any one of you was almost exposed, Lou Qianxue would appear in time to help you? How is that possible? How would she know that you were almost exposed? How can she appear so precisely? It's incredible!"