In fact, Yun Huan respected Wang Ye greatly. He did not have a father since he was young and none of his relatives treated him well.

Initially when the incident occurred, everyone came and stepped on him. If it was other people, it would have been fine. But the majority of them were his relatives, taking advantage of his youth to seize the Yun family's assets.

Although the law protected him in the sense that they had to groom and take care of him, they treated him like a dog.

For many years, he rarely felt any warmth from a senior but Uncle Wang gave it to him.

A senior should give concern, love, and protection. He never received that from his relatives, but obtained it from Uncle Wang.

So Yun Huan had respect towards Wang Ye.

Wang Ye was happy when he heard Yun Huan's words and laughed, "Good, good, good, kid. I'll go and take a look with you later."