This Is Not Okay

"Hasn't my dad invested enough for this family? My grandfather died early. At that time, my father was just 20 and his brothers and sisters were still small. You people could not do heavy labor nor could you carry the burden. It was my father alone who joined the production team to earn some work points. He went up the mountain to mine rocks and feed this family! My father supported them for 20 years and only married when he was 40. You feel that my dad hasn't invested enough? You still want him to pay up with 20 more years of his life?"

Su Mian had not known these before. She only learned of them when she had been chatting with Liu Da's mother a few days ago. Liu Da's mother told her, "Child, your father lived a hard life. When he was young, he had done everything for the Su family and delayed major turning points in his life. Now that he has the two of you, you must treat your father well!"

Su Mian's aunts lowered their heads and uttered nothing, but Grandma Su did not relent, "Then you must pay me back the amount I paid to support you!"

Su Mian took out 5 big unity, "Here!"

Grandma Su took the money and immediately took out a handkerchief from her jacket. Then she carefully wrapped the money inside and placed it back into the pocket. Then they all got up and left.

When they were just by themselves, grandma Su took out her handkerchief and gave 10 eris to each of her daughters, "Take this first. I'll ask for more on a different day."

Although Su Mian's aunts took the money, they were not impressed. They had come here to ask for more than a hundred eris. Randomly selling a few kilograms of meat was enough for them to earn 10 eris.

"Dad, this is not okay. Grandma gave the money to my aunts after they went out. They might not even look upon us. She will definitely come back when she has no more money."

"I think you should talk this over with second uncle and third uncle. Every year, decide how much maintenance allowance to give grandmother," When they left, Su Mian heard every single word her grandmother and her aunts had said.

Su Jiang Hai nodded his head.

After being disturbed by them like this, Su Jiang Hai did not eat lunch and went to work in the basement.

In the afternoon, Su Mian went to Zhang Yan Jie's house. This time Qi Fang became a lot more cordial. She invited Su Mian inside and even served candy and melon seeds. The change compared to this morning was very shocking, causing Su Mian to stare blankly.

Wei Min whispered to her, "The news about your father earning money had been spread out. She probably heard it."

It was indeed so. After her grandmother made a huge scene at noon, everyone in the village was probably talking about this matter. There was no other entertainment in the village. A group of women would naturally sit together and gossip.

"You became more famous again?"

"What fame?"

"They say you are a little shrew! It's being spread around that you and your relatives made an unreasonable scene!"

"I was Zhu Ge Liang verbally sparring with a group of Confucians!"

Wei Min shot a glance at Li Ya Jun and lowered her voice, "This time you will truly be unmarriable!"

Su Mian looked at Wei Min's eyes that were glancing at Li Ya Jun. She truly wanted to tell her that she had fallen for her brother!

Li Ya Jun suddenly blushed, and his thin lips became a straight line. He was thinking of bringing a marriage proposal to Su Mian's family right after taking the college entrance exams without even minding if Su Mian passed the exams or not.

After being taught a lesson in the morning, Zhang Yan Jie sat beside Li Ya Jun this time. Her arm was even shifting towards Li Ya Jun, Li Ya Jun kept dodging it and was finally driven to the edge of the table.

Seeing this, Wei Min was delighted. Zhang Yan Jie truly did not understand men. The more she took the initiative, the more Li Ya Jun would run away.

At night, when Su Mian returned home, he saw Su Jiang Hai lying on the heatable brick bed at the east room. He was even covered with a quilt.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

"Little Mian, nothing is wrong. Your dad's waist is just hurting. Resting for two days should be enough," Su Jiang hai was afraid that Su Mian would worry. His body was truly disappointing. After being angry at noon, he took off his cotton-padded jacket while working and caught a chill.

Su Mian did not know what to do now. She had not yet learned how to feel pulses. Leaving aside the side effects of Chinese medicine, it would not be enough to cure him without understanding.

I have a way to relieve him of pain!

Why didn't you say so earlier!

  1. measure of work completed in a rural commune in the PRC during the planned economy era