It's All Your Fault

Qi Fang was so mad she could only tremble. How could she have raised such a money-taking toy that would simply make her lose face?

It was only then that Zhang Yan Jie let go of Li Ya Jun, but she did not think that she was wrong, "I will take responsibility for you!"

"No need, just treat me as a stranger in the future," Li Ya Jun patted the dirt off his body and walked back home.

Zhang Yan Jie's tears rolled down in anger. She was already like this, yet he still did not pay attention to her and even told her to treat him as a stranger.

She hated Su Mian to death. If it was not because of her, how could she experience such an embarrassment today?

Her father had heard about this and resolutely hit her after returning home. He even told her to not go out if she had no business.

The village was small. Good things don't spread out, but bad things can spread thousands of kilometers. In just a short moment, the matter of Zhang Yan Jie pushing down Li Ya Jun had spread to the entire village. Qi Fang also did not dare go out. Wherever she went, she would feel as if people were pointing at her from behind.

These few days, Su Mian would do cupping therapy on Su Jiang Hai. Su Jiang Hai's body gradually got better.

Since Liu Da's marriage, everyone had seen Liu Da's new room. They began praising the set of Western furniture. Su Jiang Hai had also taken in some orders from some families of the village.

Su Jin Long would train every day in the morning and help Su Jiang Hai after that until night. His comprehension was very high. Su Jiang Hai only needed to tell him once and he would understand. Right now, he could already do small components.

However, with just the two of them, they still had more work than they could handle. Su Mian also did not want her father to be too tired. As a result, she talked over with Su Jiang Hai for him to accept disciples.

"Is this okay?" Su Jiang Hai was smoking on tobacco. It was currently the age of reform and development. Every family was much more willing to do farm work. Carpentry was dull and tiring. The most important point was that people had to be willing to carve and polish. Many young people were reluctant to do this.

"During the apprenticeship, we will give them 0.10 eris a day. When they are done learning, give them 0.3 eris a day. Those willing can work with you, while those that aren't can work on their own in the future."

"Little Mian, this idea isn't bad. 0.3 eris a day is Nine eris a month. It's not small at all. Working at the factory only pays you slightly more than 10 eris," He Qin agreed to Su Mian's idea. This was so that Su Jiang Hai can have it easier.

After Su Jiang Hai nodded his head, Su Mian went to the production brigade and advertised in the large speakers. In an instant, the young people of the village were willing to give it a try. Nine eris a month was a lot better than farming.

On the first day, more than 10 people applied. After 5-6 days, Su Jiang Hai chose people based on their character and wits. In the end, there were only five people who were sincere about working left.

In this twelfth lunar month, Su Jiang Hai was able to make more than 200 pieces of furniture. After paying the apprentice's salary, he still had more than 3000 eris remaining.

Their livelihood had also gotten better. Su Jin Long was growing like a balloon that had air blown in. With just one month of effort, he grew tall and sturdy. He was not the small radish anymore.

He Qin also became plumper, and her complexion got a lot better.

Ever since Zhang Yan Jie and Li Ya Jun's event, their study group had disbanded. Su Mian was now self-studying at her own home.

One afternoon while she was doing math problems, Xiao Liu Zi came to give her a slip of paper written that it was from Wei Min.

Wei Min invited Su Mian to go skating in the afternoon, saying that Li Ya Jun and her would also be there. At the west end of the village, there was a huge hole. In summer, it would be filled by rainwater, and by winter it would freeze up. Teenagers would then go there to play.

In the afternoon, Su Mian came very early. The big hole was around 500 meters away from the village. The winter corn stalks had already been harvested. Right now, people could see as far as the eye could see.

In just a short moment, Zhang Yan Jie walked towards her from the distance.

"Was it you who called me here?" Su Mian asked.

"Of course. Who else did you think it was? Li Ya Jun?" Zhang Yan Jie wore a red cotton-padded jacket that had almost lost color. Her head was covered with a scarf that only exposed her eyes. She fiercely looked at Su Mian, "Su Mian, if it were not for you, how could I be like a detested rat that does not dare go out? Everything is all your fault!"