Out of Place

Lin Yao ate until her stomach was about to burst, and she even let out a burp. Only then did she put the chopsticks down in satisfaction. As soon as she looked up, she discovered that Lin Yun was watching her eat, just like she did at noon...

Lin Yao suddenly realized that she must have done something stupid.

Lin Yun naturally saw how embarrassed she was and asked her nonchalantly, "Which dish did you like the best?"

Cheng Shengji's dishes were all exquisitely made, and by no means could they simply be deemed good or bad.

Take one of the cold dishes as an example. Whether judging by color or appearance, it appeared to be pork liver, ordinary, unremarkable pork liver.

Everyone knew that pig liver was nutritious, but it had a strong fishy scent and a rusty, bitter aftertaste as well, so few people liked to eat it.

Especially when eating pork liver as a cold dish, most people didn't have any expectations about it at all.

Cheng Shengji's pig liver was different. Lin Yao tasted a small piece and discovered to her delight that it had a tender texture, and it melted in the mouth. After she finished eating it, it actually left a pleasant lingering taste in her mouth.

Its scent was similar to flowers, and it was a little sweet, but it also smelled a bit like natural foods, such as chestnut. It truly gave one an insatiable appetite for more.

The most wondrous part was that this was really pork liver!

Naturally, such exquisite dishes didn't come in large portions, but since Lin Yun ordered more than a dozen dishes, it should be enough to feed about three or five people. Lin Yun only took a few bites and didn't move her chopsticks again, so the dozens of dishes pretty much all went into Lin Yao's stomach.

During Lin Yao's twenty years of life, it wasn't like she never went out to eat with her classmates or friends. As long as the food didn't taste too terrible, they usually worked together to finish eating all the dishes.

Whenever she and Lin Yun went out to dine together, she discovered that Lin Yun always ordered a lot of food, but ate very little of it.

Therefore, Lin Yao pretty much habitually "helped" Lin Yun eat her share, so the food wouldn't go to waste.

The question was: Did Lin Yun need her "help"?

Lin Yao made a mental note to never make this mistake again!


"Knock, knock, knock." The knocking on the door to their compartment temporarily eased Lin Yao's embarrassment.

Soon, a handsome young waiter came in with a plate of fruit.

Needless to say, the plate of fruit was also very exquisitely arranged.

Lin Yao took a closer look and discovered that there was nothing out of the ordinary with the variety of fruits. It was nothing more than some apples, oranges, strawberries, kiwis and more. The fruits weren't very diverse, but since they were exquisitely arranged, they appeared very appetizing.

Lin Yao didn't know that the person sitting opposite of her had already fully taken in her ravenous mannerisms.

Lin Yun's lips curled up slightly, and she flicked the ashtray gently. She then suggested, "Eat some more fruit."

Lin Yao said nothing as she picked up a small fork and picked up a piece of strawberry that was cut in half. Then she placed it in her mouth. The sweet juice and the intense flavor of the strawberry reached the tip of her tongue and stimulated her taste buds.

She tasted all of these fruits and discovered that they all tasted extremely delicious, so she nodded as she ate. Soon, the fruits on the plate decreased at a rate that was obvious to the naked eye.

Upon seeing this, Lin Yun shoveled the few cigarette butts she had left into her ashtray. Then she forked a strawberry into her mouth and discovered that it was indeed delicious.

The two ate together, and in a short amount of time, half of the fruit on the plate had been devoured.

To be precise, the fruit close to Lin Yao's side had disappeared, while the other half of the plate close to Lin Yun still had a lot left.

After plenty of food and drink, Lin Yun suggested, "Let's go to Yin Tai."

Lin Yao was shocked again, but she also remembered that earlier, Lin Yun had said: "Go shopping with me."

She couldn't exactly abandon her boss to go home right after she had enough food and drink herself, could she?

Lin Yao smiled at her a little sheepishly. "Alright, I'm stuffed anyway."

A light smile appeared on Lin Yun's face.


Lin Yun slowly drove her little white car on the streets of Hangzhou and skillfully bypassed the congested roads. It seemed that she was very familiar with everything here, but in reality, it hadn't even been a month since she'd arrived here.

At 7:45 pm, the nightlife in Hangzhou hadn't officially begun yet.

With a "ding," the elevator stopped on the first floor.

After the elevator door opened, three young men dressed in fashionable clothes walked into the elevator.

Lin Yun was 172 cm tall, and she was also wearing a pair of 12 cm high-heels on her feet, so she completely towered over these 170-cm-tall young men.

Her facial features were highly attractive, while the shoes on her feet, the coat she was wearing and the huge handbag on her shoulder were all limited edition fashion items from an international luxury brand.

Such a person would indeed stick out at Yin Tai.

Lin Yao didn't really understand this yet. In her mind, Yin Tai was already a very high-end shopping mall.

The third floor of Yin Tai had a women's clothing boutique, and Lin Yao had been here before. To be exact, she had only window shopped.

After all, Yin Tai was the most popular shopping mall for young men and women in Hangzhou, and it was at the forefront of the fashion scene. Even if she and Jiang Mingshu didn't buy anything (or couldn't afford it), they had to come and take a look from time to time and learn a little. Otherwise, they'd be out of sync with the fashion trends!

Lin Yun glanced around distractedly, and she discovered that the clothes here really did suit girls of Lin Yao's age.

Although she didn't mind buying some clothes for Lin Yao, they had only just met yesterday evening, and they had only known each other for a mere 20 hours…

Lin Yun was about to ask Lin Yao to come over and check out some clothes that she felt suited her, but then Lin Yun's cell phone suddenly started ringing with a cheerful ringtone.

Lin Yao was only accompanying Lin Yun to shop around at Yin Tai anyway, and she had no plans to buy clothes for herself.

The expression on Lin Yun's face suddenly changed, and she walked away as she held her phone in her hand. When Lin Yao saw this, she hurriedly chased after Lin Yun all the way outside, only to discover that she had simply come out to answer the phone.

Lin Yao waited at a distance not that far away, but to her surprise, she discovered that the aloof and composed queen was twirling her hair with her fingers as she spoke on the phone. She also had a somewhat shy expression on her face.

"Hello, are you finally done with the meeting?"

"Uh-huh, I've eaten already, how about you?"

"I'm still at Yin Tai."

She spoke in a girly voice, and her mannerisms were a bit on the bashful side. She also had a sweet smile on her face the entire time, so weren't these obviously the actions of a little girl in love?

"Then I will return immediately!"

Lin Yun had just hung up the phone, and the smile on her face had not completely disappeared yet. "Xiao Lin, I have to go home. Do you need a ride home?"

Lin Yao answered with understanding, "No, I'm familiar with this area."

Lin Yun's heart was already elsewhere. "Then I'll be heading home, and we'll see each other tomorrow!"

As soon as Lin Yun left, Lin Yao lost her interest in continuing to shop around Yin Tai.

As people came and went about on Yan'an Road, Lin Yao saw trendy and fashionable young couples from time to time. They hugged under the colorful billboards or kissed under a tree in the neon lights like no one was watching...

Against the backdrop of the night, such a scenery appeared especially beautiful and romantic.

Lin Yao remembered that Hangzhou also seemed to have a reputation as "the city of love." But what did any of this have to do with her?

Lin Yao turned her head around suddenly, and she discovered that almost all the pedestrians on the street were in pairs, and everyone had blissful smiles on their faces.

She was the only one out of place!