A Good Teaching

At 16:40, close to the end of work, the phone on Lin Yao's desk suddenly started to ring.

When she answered the phone, the person over the phone said, "Hello," in English.

The first thought in Lin Yao's mind was, "Oh God, it's a foreigner!"

She had studied English and had a CET-4 certificate, but the problem was that she had never answered a call from a foreigner before!

Moreover, she was sitting across from an aloof expert with a CET-8 certificate, so how could she bring herself to show off her English in front of her?

If she could, she actually wanted to ask the expert for help, it was just that…

She glanced at Jian Wen, who was sitting opposite her. She was busy applying lipstick to her lips, and she didn't even bat an eye.

She glanced at Zheng Yuning again, who wasn't sitting that far away. She was flipping through her bag, apparently waiting to leave.

The same was true for others.

It wasn't difficult to understand the attitudes of Jian Wen, Zheng Yuning, and others. After all, today was their first day at work. The foreigner who called at this time must be an old customer of Lingyun and was therefore a customer that had no beneficial relationship with them. Why should they pay any attention?

Lin Yao felt that if she couldn't even answer a phone, what use would she be to Lingyun Industry?

Countless thoughts raced through Lin Yao's mind. During this period, the foreigner on the other end of the phone babbled on and on very quickly. The best part was that Lin Yao couldn't understand a single thing he was saying!

What should she do? What should she do? What should she do?

Thinking on her feet, Lin Yao said to the foreigner: "Please send by fax!"

She thought that since the foreigner knew this phone number, he must also know their fax number.

Although she couldn't understand the phone call, there was no way she couldn't even read a fax message right?

As she had hoped, the foreigner at the end of the phone didn't continue to babble.

Lin Yao let out a sigh of relief, but the next second, the foreigner hung up!

She didn't know whether the foreigner understood or not, but she did know that the foreigner was no doubt angry.

But now that the matter was over, she could only pray that the other party understood and would really send a fax later.

When Lin Yao came back, she noticed that the atmosphere in the office seemed a bit off.

For example, Jian Wen suddenly stopped applying makeup, and Zheng Yuning was no longer packing her belongings. Everyone had put on a busy facade at the same time.

Of course, all they could do now was stare at the documents on the table.

"All these signs indicate that the supervisor is here!" Lin Yao guessed.

As soon as she turned around, she discovered Lin Yun standing behind her, not that far away.

Soon, the melodious female voice that sounded from behind her confirmed her guess.

"Xiao Lin, come with me!"

Lin Yao's breath suddenly stopped. Not that long ago, she heard these exact same words at the Tianfeng Company, and then... she was no more.


Lin Yao's seat faced away from Lin Yun's office door, but she didn't think that there was anything wrong with that.

Her job was to help Lin Yun deal with orders from these old customers, and this seating position was the most convenient for Lin Yun.

Lin Yao thought that she should be sitting here anyway.

The only harmful thing was that this way, every move Lin Yao made couldn't escape Lin Yun's eyes.

Moreover, Lingyun Industry's carpet was too thick and too plush, so there was almost no sound when someone walked on it.

Like just now, Lin Yun had already walked behind her, yet Lin Yao had failed to notice.

Lin Yun called Lin Yao into her office but didn't question her. She motioned for Lin Yao to sit down as she smoked a cigarette in a self-confident manner.

Lin Yao pondered over this. Perhaps Lin Yun just coincidentally had something to ask her and had no idea what had just happened over the phone.

The more Lin Yao thought of this, the more she believed that Lin Yun probably didn't hear anything or at least didn't hear everything. Otherwise, she wouldn't appear so calm!

Yes, this had to be the case!

After Lin Yun finished smoking a cigarette, she asked without beating around the bush, "What was that phone call just now about?"

When Lin Yun heard what she said, Lin Yao abandoned her fluke mindset. Her heart thumped in her chest quickly, and she felt that it was about to burst out of her chest.

Lin Yao tried to stay calm, but her voice was shaking when she spoke. "It was a foreigner. I couldn't understand what he said, so I requested that he send it over fax."

Lin Yun lit a cigarette again and asked, "You have a CET-4 certificate, which means your English isn't that bad, so why couldn't you understand his words?"

Lin Yao was caught off guard for a moment.

"I—I…" She couldn't come up with an answer.

Upon seeing this, Lin Yun pretty much guessed what had happened, so she asked, "Was it because you were too nervous?"

Lin Yao bit her lip, and she replied with some difficulty, "Yes!" But that wasn't all, and it was hard for her to say.

There were currently six foreign trade salespeople in Lingyun Industry. Jian Wen had a CET-8 certificate. Although the other five salespeople weren't as good as Jianwen, they were all at least above CET-6.

Lin Yao was the only one with merely a CET-4 certificate in the company, so she was at the bottom.

She thought that as an office worker, even if her English was a little subpar, it wouldn't affect her work that much.

The reality was that in the future, foreigners would probably be the ones making half of the calls she received every day during her daily work.

Was she really going to ask them to send her a fax every time, or would she let others come over and answer the phone for her instead?

How could that even be a possible solution?

"This isn't a huge issue. You'll get better simply if you practice more!" Lin Yun blew out a ring of smoke leisurely, and she continued to say, "I will teach you."

Lin Yao was almost moved to tears when she heard Lin Yun's first sentence, but what on earth did she mean when she said she would "teach" her?

Lin Yun pursed her lips and said with a straight face, "Don't look at me with that expression on your face, that's useless!"

In fact, Lin Yun nearly burst out laughing when she saw the expression in Lin Yao's eyes, full of terror, anxiety, and slight resentment.

This girl was truly unworldly, and she probably had no idea that the expression in her eyes had already betrayed her inner thoughts.

In the beginning, the reason she let Lin Yao stay wasn't because of her qualifications or anything. So what if she was a novice? Novices also had benefits unique to them, and at least they were flexible, weren't they?

Although Lin Yun didn't have previous experience in managing a foreign trade company, she did have her own business when she was in Guangzhou, so she had her own way of dealing with people and managing operations.

In reality, she herself had been at Lingyun Industry for less than a month and was also a newbie, so she wasn't that much better than Lin Yao. Wouldn't it be interesting for both her and Lin Yao to learn and grow together in the future?

From that day forward, Lin Yun gave Lin Yao permission to freely enter her office. In other words, Lin Yao would be answering all her phone calls in the future.