Workaholic Bachelor

Besides, Qin Rongze didn't come to the 23rd floor that day on a whim.

Orlando was founded eight years ago as a clothing, design, and merchandising center that he established after returning to China.

From raw materials, fabrics, and accessories, to designing and making ready-to-wear garments, they were the best in China in terms of craftsmanship.

Chinese enterprises usually have high efficiency and strong imitation capabilities, but they're generally lacking in terms of novel innovations. Such innovations are reflected not only in raw materials but also in design, as well as brand packaging and marketing sales.

Therefore, if Orlando wanted to climb higher and expand further, it can't shut itself in. Qin Rongze wanted to let Orlando compete and cooperate with competitors all over the world.

Orlando finally received an opportunity to cooperate with the United States' UNITEX group through unremitting efforts.

After frequent contact during this period, the two sides had basically determined the intent of their joint venture. UNITEX Group would come to visit and inspect the week before Christmas and officially initiate the collaboration plan for both parties.

If Orlando succeeded in winning over UNITEX this time, then Orlando will be among the ranks of world-class apparel companies.

In order to keep a close watch on the matter, Qin Rongze and Liang Kaiwen hadn't had a good night's rest for a long time. Only after he gave the other party his planned itinerary to them for confirmation today, did he remember that he should personally go to the company to take a look and check for any potential errors.

As soon as he got the idea, he thought of the 23rd floor!

Qin Rongze and Liang Kaiwen didn't greet anyone and took the elevator directly to the Seventh Trade Department on the 23rd floor.

Cheng Gang, the person in charge of the Seventh Department of Trade, was 45 years old. He was in his prime, competent, and one of the most capable go-getter employees in the company. He had been headhunted from a foreign company.

Cheng Gang has managed the Department of Trade for seven years now and had never encountered any problems.

When Qin Rongze and Liang Kaiwen arrived at the 23rd floor, they happened to witness him being pulled aside by a young woman, and then they started to talk in the hallway. Such a scene couldn't help but make one wonder.

If Lin Yao had been here, she definitely would have recognized upon first glance that the young woman was Ren Jiaying.

Ren Jiaying deliberately lowered her voice. "Minister Cheng, I'm only saying this now because I didn't actually want to say this, but there's no other option. If you think about it, if everyone was like her, and used public resources for private gain, how much damage would Orlando incur?"

Cheng Gang frowned and said, "Okay, I know now. I'll find a chance to talk to her."

But Ren Jiaying was dissatisfied with his perfunctory attitude, and said, self-righteously, "According to the company's rules, Orlando's dormitory can't house other people during the night. Yet she would bring people in every Friday, and if it weren't for me witnessing it, she definitely would have stayed in the dormitory all weekend, by then…"

What about then?

A look of impatience flashed through Cheng Gang's eyes and he interrupted her. "Since you don't have anything to do, why don't you get off work."

"I don't mean anything by this, and Xiao Jiang and I are good friends anyway. It's just that I can't simply stand by and idly watch her go down the wrong path."

Ren Jiaying said the words sincerely, and, before leaving, she didn't forget to add, "I hope you hold off sacking her and let me try to dissuade her again."

Cheng Gang wasn't a rookie just stepping into society. Of course, he understood the various nuances of the situation. Besides, when did he ever say that he would sack Jiang Mingshu? When he turned around, he discovered that the CEO and assistant Liang were standing not that far away.

Cheng Gang didn't know how much the CEO had heard, but he had a very bad feeling inside.

It really wasn't that big of a deal, but if the CEO found out then it was no longer a trivial matter.


Ren Jiaying was originally prepared to return to her seat, but upon hearing Cheng Gang's greeting, she quickly turned around, and when she saw the person coming, her eyes lit up.

Ren Jiaying was very gorgeous. Her beauty was top-notch even in Orlando, which swarmed with beautiful women, and she was unconscious of her sexual advantage.

She flipped her hair, then steadily walked in front of them and smiled as she said, "Greetings Chairman, I'm Ren Jiaying of the Seventh Department of Trade, I…"

How could Cheng Gang not know what she wanted to say, so he hurriedly interrupted her, "That's enough, there's nothing for you to do here, so hurry up and get off work."

Ren Jiaying looked at the chairman, then looked at Cheng Gang, and got the vague impression that she had gotten herself into trouble.

In Cheng Gang's eyes, this matter could be downplayed or blown up.

If it were blown up, any issues regarding the employees of the Seventh Department of Trade, or issues between the employees could be counted as a management liability or deficiency.

If downplayed, neither Jiang Mingshu bringing outsiders into the dormitory nor Ren Jiaying being a snitch mattered. It had neither caused any negative impact on the company nor has it caused irreparable losses.

Although Orlando was a private company, it had quite a few sets of rules to enforce, so in theory, it was ludicrous for them to hang on to such a small incident.

Cheng Gang chose to retreat for the sake of advancing and admitted his mistake. "Chairman, there was a mistake in my management. I disappointed you, so please punish me."

Cheng Gang was still nervously waiting for the CEO's instructions, but the chairman said, " Kaiwen, take her to the conference room for a chat."


Seeing Liang Kaiwen make a gesture of invitation to Ren Jiaying made Cheng Gang inexplicably break out into a cold sweat.

Perhaps, the purpose of the CEO's visit to the 23rd floor was to make an example of him?

Cheng Gang felt anxious inside from being kept in the dark.

Liang Kaiwen knew the entire story. After hearing Cheng Gang and Ren Jiaying's conversation, he almost immediately thought of that morning a week ago, when the CEO met that girl near Yanzhili neighborhood.

He also remembered that the CEO had said that the girl worked on the 23rd floor.

They checked the resumes of all employees on the 23rd floor afterward, but that girl wasn't among them.

Kaiwen knew that Orlando indeed had dormitories in the Yanzhili area, so he speculated that the girl must have some sort of relationship with an employee on the 23rd floor of Orlando, but he had no idea in terms of which employee on the 23rd floor.

But soon everything was cleared up by Ren Jiaying.

Clerk Jiang Mingshu of the Seventh Department of Trade had a friend who lived in East City. During the early morning before dawn last weekend, she went to Yanzhili neighborhood and was caught by Ren Jiaying... Then, that series of hilarious events happened.

Cheng Gang never expected that the CEO would personally inquire about such a trifling matter, then actually sit by and listen.

He wiped the sweat beads from his forehead and explained, "Chairman, although Xiao Jiang is a bit, uh, unconventional, Xiao Jiang's work efficiency wasn't bad. Should I ask Xiao Jiang to come over?"

By "unconventional", he wasn't referring to the fact that Jiang Mingshu brought friends over to the dormitory. Orlando provided employees with more than free housing and interest-free loans. With such a large investment, it was ludicrous for them to care about such trivial matters.

He was just mentally preparing the CEO, in case he got caught off guard after seeing Jiang Mingshu in person.

Qin Rongze smiled with his lips pursed. "You don't have to call her over specially. Remember, I'm here to visit today."

Cheng Gang was still perplexed, but nonetheless he answered assuredly, "Yes!"

Qin Rongze didn't allow them to follow him. He walked around the 23rd floor alone, as if he were a visitor.

When he saw Jiang Mingshu, who was alleged to be a "little unconventional", he saw that unconventional was an understatement. She was definitely a deviant, right?

Qin Rongze wasn't close-minded, and he didn't want everyone to be uniform, so Orlando didn't stipulate what employees must wear to work.

But Jiang Mingshu's outfit had to be something that someone who frequented nightclubs would wear, right?

Qin Rongze believed that a dynamic organization should be more tolerant. Since Cheng Gang said that "Xiao Jiang's work efficiency wasn't bad", these trivial matters need not be fussed over.

However, she was watching a TV series in the company...

And even after she discovered him watching, all she did was withdraw her feet, which were resting on the desk, with a disgruntled expression on her face.

Qin Rongze felt that this was a problem that Cheng Gang should worry about, so he simply smiled and returned to the top floor.

Qin Rongze thought that he would never find any more clues about the girl's life, yet who would have expected the clues to be so generously placed right in front of him, right in plain sight.

There was really no doubt that there are no dead ends, and even when people think that they have hit a dead end, there's always another way.

He felt like the suffocating feeling that he had been experiencing for a long while was swept away, and he became more and more motivated to do his work.