A Bachelorette

Lin Yun had originally opened a restaurant in Guangzhou and was considered a connoisseur.

After she came to Hangzhou, although she ran an import and export company, she was still most interested in food.

Every few days, Lin Yun would take Lin Yao out to eat for no other reason than the fact that she was the only single one in the company.

After work that day, they went to a home-cooked restaurant in Hangzhou with good reviews.

The dining environment there was quite nice, the dishes were exquisite, and the ambiance was especially suitable for besties to sit together as they ate and chat.

In fact, all other tables had a formation like this, and from time to time, there were bursts of laughter.

Yet it was precisely such an atmosphere that made Lin Yun and Lin Yao's table seem especially deserted.

There was a table full of food in front of them, but there were only two people. In fact, Lin Yao was the only one who actually ate.

Lin Yao found that whenever this happened, Lin Yun would smoke one cigarette after another, as if the delicacies on the table couldn't stimulate her appetite at all, and her thin eyebrows were always tightly drawn together.

As for the reason Lin Yun appeared unhappy, it was actually pretty easy to guess. It must have been because her husband was working overtime again.

Lin Yao didn't know why Lin Yun became so melancholy, so despondent, and even a bit depressed when her husband worked overtime.

Lin Yao didn't know whether or not she should try to console Lin Yun at this time, or should she just play dumb?

She ate the dishes on the table in small bites, as if she didn't have a care in the world.

After Lin Yun finished leisurely smoking the Sobranie cigarette, she suddenly asked, "Xiao Lin, what do you usually do after getting off work?"

"Huh?" Lin Yao was caught off guard and replied, "I usually surf the web, sometimes go out shopping with my classmates, and occasionally go to the bar."

Of course, she wouldn't tell Lin Yun anything related to the Hang City Forum!

The boss was the boss. She dared not let Lin Yun know that most of the time she spent when she stayed in the company after getting off work wasn't actually spent working, but rather spent online on the Hang City Forum.

She also didn't intend to let anyone in Lingyun Industry know that Peaches Aren't Naughty from the Hang City Forum was actually her.

"You go to bars?" Lin Yun raised her eyebrows in surprise. "I used to like to go to bars when I was in Guangzhou. How about you take me with you?"

Lin Yao was so shocked that her mouth dropped open. If she took Lin Yun to the bar, wouldn't she be exposing herself?

Fortunately, Lin Yun's cell phone started ringing at the right time, and her expression suddenly became soft and gentle.

"Heyyy, what are you doing?

"Didn't you sayyy that you'll be working overtime very laaate?

"What else can I do, I'm dining with Xiao Linnn.

"I've eaten already, and I'm going to head home."

Lin Yao held a spoon in her hand. She was about to take a bite of soup. When she heard Lin Yun say that, she suddenly didn't know what to do.

In fact, it hadn't been long since their dishes were brought to them. Lin Yun had been smoking the entire time so she hadn't even tasted them yet, and Lin Yao hadn't officially started eating yet.

Lin Yun smiled sweetly as she said, "Well, okay, then wait for meee."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yun immediately took out a compact mirror, eyebrow pencil, eyeliner, mascara, foundation, blush, lipstick... and then started to reapply her makeup.

Lin Yao, who had been sitting opposite of Lin Yun, was stunned. She had none of these things!

Of course, even if she did, she wouldn't use them...

Lin Yao suddenly realized that, as a girl, perhaps her way of living was a little too unfeminine?

Lin Yun reapplied her makeup very quickly. After a few minutes, with her perfectly applied makeup, she grinned in the mirror.

Just as she was about to get up and leave, she finally remembered Lin Yao.

Lin Yun pursed her lips in a smile and said apologetically, "Xiao Lin, I have something to do, so I'll have to leave first."

Lin Yao had been mentally prepared. She also packed her bag and prepared to leave together.

Lin Yun frowned slightly, and said, "You keep eating. Take the leftovers after you finish eating. Just don't waste it!"

"I'll be leaving first."

Lin Yun left as if she were escaping.

As Lin Yao looked at her retreating figure, she wasn't surprised at all.


When Lin Yao returned to Chaoyang, all the neighborhood households were brightly lit, as well as Room 302, where she lived.

At the moment, she was renting out the big room to an attractive young couple and was now officially a second landlord.

Lin Yao thought about it carefully when she was looking for a tenant. There was no way she would let a male tenant live under the same roof as her.

If she found a single female tenant, the female tenant would definitely have friends come over and play, so it was better to just rent it out to a couple to give her peace of mind and save her the trouble.

Facts had proven that Lin Yao's choice was correct.

For this young couple, the man always went out early and returned late, and often went on business trips as well, so she rarely saw him.

The woman's name was Li Shulan. She didn't go to work. She stayed at home every day doing housework. She cleaned up the old apartment and decorated it to make it appear cozy.

The little two-bedroom apartment housed three people, yet nothing unpleasant happened. In fact, it was more comfortable than when she lived alone.

Lin Yao originally rented out the big room just to alleviate the pressure of her higher rent. As for getting along with her roommates, as long as they weren't too horrible, she could accept them. She didn't expect to receive such a surprise.

When Lin Yao arrived home, Li Shulan had just finished their dinner.

"Sister Lin is back!" Li Shulan appeared overjoyed to see her, then stood up to greet her enthusiastically and asked, "Have you eaten yet? There's soup in the pot. I'll get you a bowl!"

Li Shulan was not only an expert in household work, but her culinary skills were also at the level of a master chef, especially the soup she made. It was simply too delicious! Tasting it once was enough for Lin Yao to remember it for the rest of her life.

She smiled and said, "No, I ate before coming home."

"Sister Lin, why do you always eat outside?" Li Shulan's expression appeared slightly confused. "I usually eat home all alone. It would be great if you ate with me."

In fact, Lin Yao had originally planned on eating at home, but, on the one hand, her own culinary skills weren't that good, and, on the other hand, she didn't feel that it was appropriate of her to keep getting free meals from her tenants, but the main reason was that she didn't want to get in their way! In addition, Lin Yun would take her out for meals from time to time, so she usually ate out before going home.

Li Shulan's boyfriend went straight to the bedroom after dinner, and Li Shulan began to clean up the tableware and chopsticks.

Lin Yao caught sight of her clutching her waist with one hand and asked, "What's the matter? Is your waist uncomfortable?"

"No!" Li Shulan quickly withdrew the hand on her waist and refuted, "Nothing!"

Lin Yao was just asking casually. When she denied her, she was relieved. When she was about to return to her room, Li Shulan stopped her again.

"Sister Lin, I have something to tell you." The little girl met Lin Yao's eyes with some anxiety and said, "Today the weather was very nice so I took your quilt out and laid it out in the sun without asking for your opinion, but please don't be mad at me."

Lin Yao glanced at her bedroom. Sure enough, the quilt that she had originally spread out was folded neatly.

There was nothing valuable in Lin Yao's room, and the door had never been locked.

However, she wasn't completely unconcerned. She had placed a small piece of paper in the door before just in case.

Li Shulan had never stepped into her room before. This time, not only did she help her dry the quilt, but she also appeared very anxious about doing it.

Lin Yao felt a little amused. "Why would I be angry? I can't even thank you enough."

"Really?" Li Shuyun laughed like a pupil who was just praised by the teacher. "If you don't mind, I can help you dry the quilt every day. Would that be alright? You know, I'm very bored at home."

Help her dry the quilt every day? Of course, that would be excellent, but unfortunately, Lin Yao couldn't agree.

"It doesn't have to be such a hassle, I can spread the quilt on the bed to get sunlight." As she said this, Lin Yao noticed Li Shulan clutching her waist again, and she couldn't help but say, "If your waist is uncomfortable, you should get some rest."

Li Shuyun's face immediately started blushing. "No, I'm not uncomfortable, but I've just been a little fatigued recently and have little energy."

As for the reason behind the fatigue and lack of energy, she had to understand it herself.

Lin Yao was a single woman so she couldn't understand these nuances at all.

But an idea flashed through her mind and she asked, "Are you pregnant?"

"Huh?" Li Shulan was washing the dishes, but upon hearing her question, she was so shocked that she almost dropped the bowl on her hand. "No, no!"

In Lin Yao's opinion, having a boyfriend equaled almost getting married, and almost getting married equaled there could be a baby at any time, so when Li Shulan felt uncomfortable, she asked if she was pregnant?

But Li Shulan had only turned eighteen this year. How could they have a baby so early?

She suddenly felt that her speculation was too far-fetched, to the extent that the little girl appeared mortified!

Lin Yao smiled at Li Shulan apologetically. "I'm talking nonsense. Don't worry about it! Also, thank you for helping me dry the quilt!"

Li Shulan looked back and smiled at her. When she smiled, the mirthful look in her eyes made her appear even more gentle.

Lin Yao couldn't help thinking what an upstanding girl she was!