Key To Winning

Lin Yao walked onto the stage amid everyone's cheers and screams.

"I didn't expect the Hang City Star tonight to be so radiant, so... dazzling." The young host had undisguised admiration in his eyes. "Hello there, Peaches Aren't Naughty. I've heard that many people call you Naughty Peach?"

Lin Yao took the microphone from the staff and replied in a poised manner, "Hello host! Hello everyone! I'm Peaches Aren't Naughty, also known as Naughty Peach."

The netizens at the venue, especially the male netizens, confessed loudly, "Naughty Peach, we love you!"

Applause, cheers, and screams came one after another.

The host couldn't help but say, in awe, "It seems that Naughty Peach's popularity on the Hang City Forum is indeed really high."

Lin Yao's lips curled up into a smile again, and she thanked him sincerely, "Thank you for your compliment, host. Thank you all for your support!"

The host smiled at her and announced aloud, "Next, we would like to ask representatives from the Orlando Group to draw out the Lucky Star for us tonight!"

Upon hearing the host's cue, Liang Kaiwen tore his eyes away from Lin Yao and picked up the microphone again. "Everyone must be curious about why there's also a Lucky Star tonight, so let me first explain the conditions to become a Lucky Star."

"To become a Lucky Star tonight, one must satisfy two very strict conditions. First, he must be a netizen of the Hang City Forum, and second, his gender must be male."

There was another burst of laughter from the audience, but Lin Yao had a bad hunch inside.

Liang Kaiwen paused and said, "About 70% of the people at this venue meet these two requirements."

Beneath the stage, screams and whistles sounded from the audience all over the place.

"It seems that everyone is looking forward to it, and is also curious as to exactly what the Lucky Star does, and what benefits come along with becoming a Lucky Star? I can tell everyone now that Lucky Star will have the opportunity to receive this souvenir in my hands."

The jewelry box in his hands had a diamond necklace inside. Under the spotlight, the heart-shaped diamond pendant emitted a dazzling gleam and was clearly displayed to everyone through the huge screen.

Liang Kaiwen asked aloud, "Please tell me, isn't this souvenir beautiful?"



Liang Kaiwen said smugly, "This natural diamond necklace from the Rockwell family appeared in the newest season auction of Jiashi. Our Lucky Star will have the opportunity to touch it, and personally place it on Peaches Aren't Naughty. Can everyone see it?"

The allure of the diamond was beyond imagination, and the netizens at the venue started to bubble with excitement again. But many people also grasped the main idea.

"What? Place it on Peaches Aren't Naughty? What kind of Lucky Star would that be?"

"Oh my god, Peaches Aren't Naughty is too lucky. I'm green with envy!"


Lin Yao was slightly stunned. Although she didn't know that much about diamonds, from the prestige that came along with the Rockwell family name, she knew it was a big deal. It was conservatively estimated that the value of this diamond necklace was comparable to that of a house in Hangzhou!

Since her birth, she had never won more than five bucks in a lottery!

She couldn't help but wonder if such great luck could really fall on her?

"Ahem!" Liang Kaiwen cleared his throat. "In return, our Hang City Star will kiss the Lucky Star!"


There was a sudden silence in the banquet hall, then after a moment, there was an uproar.

"WWWOWWW~" Once again the crowd buzzed with feverish excitement.

Lin Yao's eyes widened in disbelief. She didn't know that her eyes were wide open and that her shell-shocked yet breathtaking expression had been clearly captured by the camera.

"Although such gameplay is slick, it's still a little unfair to the girls."

"Yeah, who knows what the Lucky Star will look like?"

"Am I the only one who noticed that Naughty Peach is about to get such a beautiful diamond necklace?"


Lin Yao had always known that great luck never fell upon her, and any luck she got had to be bad.

She was certain that it wouldn't be as simple as a kiss.

"Ahem!" Liang Kaiwen cleared his throat again. "So, let us now reveal who the Lucky Star is. Let me see, his ID serial number is also a bit long: 193-2458-8238-1279. Please note that this is neither his mobile phone number nor his bank account number, but rather his serial ID number on Hang City Forum!

Now let's take a look at his ID name: Through Your Black Hair My Hand, tonight's Lucky Star Through Your Black Hair My Hand. Let us welcome Through Your Black Hair My Hand to the stage!"

The netizens offstage felt somewhat befuddled.

"Through Your Black Hair My Hand? I've never heard of him at all!"

"Judging from the serial number, it must be a newly registered ID. Didn't they say that only users at the level of True Ranger and above were eligible to attend the event?"

"Peaches Aren't Naughty is also a new ID, but her title level is terrifyingly high. But Peaches Aren't Naughty is very active, and you can see her everywhere. As for Through Your Black Hair My Hand, I have never heard of him!"


On the stage, Lin Yao's heart was beating rapidly.

She had the feeling that she didn't want to play along anymore, and had a strong urge to leave immediately!

But, she looked beneath the stage, all around her, and at the entire banquet hall. Everywhere was crowded with people, so there was no way for her to leave.

She couldn't just leave!

After calming herself down, Lin Yao began to notice the cameras scattered throughout the venue.

She continued to comfort herself: since there were TV stations filming, it shows that this event is very formal; since it is a formal event, they wouldn't go overboard with her.

Worst case scenario, she loses the game (kissing) → loses a diamond necklace that didn't belong to her in the first place.

If that was the case, she should bravely accept the challenge!

Lin Yao had finished mentally preparing herself, but Through Your Black Hair My Hand still hadn't appeared.

Liang Kaiwen's forehead was covered in beads of sweat, and he appeared anxious as he glanced toward a certain spot beneath the stage from time to time.

Of course, the CEO didn't have an ID for the Hang City Forum, but he did, and the CEO had also used it before.

Yes, Through Your Black Hair My Hand was actually Liang Kaiwen's own ID.

The chairman came for Lin Yao. The diamond necklace had originally belonged to the chairman. Liang Kaiwen thought about it, but still felt that it would be more appropriate to let the chairman come on stage for Lin Yao and let Lin Yao kiss the chairman.

As for whether or not the chairman would come on stage, he still had a certain degree of confidence. As a man, he knew that a fellow male probably wouldn't pass up the opportunity to get intimate with a beautiful lady.

In theory, the CEO couldn't pass on such a good opportunity, but why was he still a no show?

Liang Kaiwen thought of how the chairman's eyes looked reddened a few days ago, and then that time where he got himself completely drunk...what did all of that mean?

Most importantly, the CEO hadn't been asking about Lin Yao for the past few days. What did all of this mean?

No way, just now they were...

Ah~What exactly does the chairman want?

Liang Kaiwen felt distressed.

Upon seeing this, the host tried to ease the situation. "It seems that Through Your Black Hair My Hand also needs our enthusiastic applause to be willing to come on stage!"

Unfortunately, no one at the scene had heard of the screen name Through Your Black Hair My Hand, so there was little enthusiastic response.

What was even more awkward was that, even after the unenthusiastic applause, Through Your Black Hair My Hand still did not appear!

The vibe of the room was getting stranger and stranger, and netizens started talking.

"If the Lucky Star rejects this glory, then we have no choice but to choose a new Lucky Star again…"

Just as Liang Kaiwen was about to give up, the man wearing the reindeer hood beneath the stage finally came out.

Liang Kaiwen shouted, "Wow, Through Your Black Hair My Hand is coming! Let's warmly welcome Through Your Black Hair My Hand with applause!"

The ambiance of the scene finally eased, and Liang Kaiwen breathed a sigh of relief.

The host on the stage gave Liang Kaiwen a strange look.

Lin Yao also felt that the representative of the Orlando Group was acting a little strange.

When Lin Yao saw the person coming, and the reindeer hood that tightly covered his head, her mind suddenly went blank.

He, he, he... wasn't he supposed to be Hot Pot Is Too Hot, how could he be Through Your Black Hair My Hand?

Was it possible that she had had the wrong person in mind since the beginning?!

Lin Yao was a little nearsighted, but her prescription wasn't that strong, and she usually didn't wear glasses.

But she clearly remembered that when she and Jiang Mingshu came in, Hot Pot Is Too Hot was right in front of them, and signed in around the same time as they did. Besides, Hot Pot Is Too Hot also turned around and greeted them after he signed his name.

Could there be two people wearing the same reindeer headgear tonight?

That would be embarrassing...

In contrast to the feverishly enthusiastic vibe when Peaches Aren't Naughty emerged, almost all Hang City Forum netizens were asking, "Where did Through Your Black Hair My Hand pop out from?""Is there an inside story?"

Little Guliang said coldly, "Why would the Lucky Star have any inside story? The Hang City Star is the real winner tonight!"

That was true. The diamond necklace would only be in the Lucky Star's hands briefly. The diamond necklace would still belong to Peaches Aren't Naughty in the end, and Peaches Aren't Naughty was still the one that received the warmest recognition from the audience...

Little Guliang ridiculed, "When did being a nobody become the key to winning?"

On the surface, it sounded like Little Guliang was saying that Through Your Black Hair My Hand was a nobody. But, when connected with her previous sentence, then the "nobody" that she was referring to was actually Peaches Aren't Naughty!

The people around Little Guliang instantly fell silent.