Care and concern

Feng Zhongliang held onto Jiang SE's arm. His grip on her wrist was a little tight. His palm was cold and trembling slightly. Clearly, he was not as calm as he appeared on the surface.

Jiang se did not wish for Feng Zhongliang to vent his anger. Hence, she deliberately interrupted his previous question.

I've been so tired recently. Sister Chaoqun has arranged so many tasks for me all day long.

Before her rebirth, she had always been polite, quiet, and quiet in front of Feng Zhongliang. She had never acted like a spoiled child before.

However, when Jiang se held Feng Zhongliang's arm and acted coquettishly with him, she felt that it was not as difficult as she had imagined. She could easily say that to her grandfather. She even regretted that she had never acted coquettishly with Feng Zhongliang in the past. She had missed out on many things.

"I practice dancing and playing the zither every day, and I also have to memorize books."