Would You Like This Chicken As a Gift, Beauty?

She truly had not exerted that much force. It was just that her strength exceeded that of a normal human being by over thirty times. Shit had now hit the fan as she really had broken him with a pinch.

"Does it hurt?" She asked as she relaxed her grip.

Perhaps it was because she was too focused on this man's face that she had forgotten to hold herself back.

Jiang Zhi's wrist was as stiff as a rock, unable to bend even the slightest bit.

"What do you think?" These four words were squeezed out from the gaps between his teeth.

The pain must've been excruciating. After all, she had exerted so much force on him within a split-second. After she had finished wrapping up her wound, she turned on the lights and inched backward away from her unintended victim.

"I'm really sorry."

Jiang Zhi's anger swelled up so much that he had to stifle a sick laugh as he replied, "If an apology was all it took, then what's the purpose of having a police force?"


Zhou Xufang did not refute his statement as even she acknowledged its truth.

After that...

Jiang Zhi filed a police report without hesitation.

Zhou Xufang was now in the backseat of a patrol car heading toward the nearest police station while Jiang Zhi was sent straight to the hospital for treatment of his hand. His hand had been dislocated, but the silver lining was that there appeared to be no fracture. There wasn't too big of a deal for him after his hand was reset in place, but still, his obsession with cleanliness had now come back to haunt him. Unable to stand the nauseating smell of dried blood that was smeared all over him, he went for a 30 minute-long bath, disregarding the doctor's advice.

At 9.30 pm, Jiang Zhi arrived at the police station approximately 2 hours after Zhou Xufang was officially "arrested". Because Jiang Zhi was the one involved, Qiao Nanchu had deliberately created a new criminal investigation brigade, solely responsible for handling this specific case.

"So, do you want to take action against her? For battery and assault?

Jiang Zhi sank into the seat, his facial expression devoid of any emotion. His fingers were now wrapped tightly with a bandage. 

"The process of filing a lawsuit would be too troublesome."

Qiao Nanchu pulled a chair over and sat down in front of the victim. His brows were raised slightly as he asked, "Then what's your plan?"

"Lock her up for a few days," Jiang Zhi said as he tried moving his wrist around.

"After that?"

After that...

Jiang Zhi started thinking, only to be interrupted by Ah Wan.

"Young Master Jiang."

He looked up at Ah Wan.

Ah Wan's massive head blocked out the fluorescent ceiling light, casting a great shadow over Jiang Zhi's face. With a loyal expression, he explained, "She's the actress who had been injured during the scuffle earlier today."

While he was as loyal to Jiang Zhi as a dog, he felt compelled to bring up that fact.

After pondering for a moment, Ah Wan continued reluctantly, "With all due respect, sir, you're part of the reason that she got injured." If he were to allow that young lady to be locked up, his faith in justice would be utterly crushed.

While his young master had money and power, it still did not justify acting in such an unruly manner.

The rich, powerful, and unruly young master shot back coldly with a question. "Where were you when my hand was dislocated?"


After driving away the fourth child of the Ming family, he had gone straight to...the restroom as he was suffering from diarrhea today. He now sincerely regretted eating lobster for lunch in the afternoon.

A chill crept up his spine as realization set in. Ah Wan's head shrunk back into his shoulders like a timid turtle as he replied, "I was doing a number two."

"Get out." Jiang Zhi kept his words concise.


Justice no longer mattered when defending one's own job security. Ah Wan decisively exited the waiting room of the police station, and as he did so, he bumped into young master Xue on his way out of the main door.

"I've met that young lady before. She sells screen protectors for phones under Bayi Bridge." Xue Baoyi said as he walked into the room. Seeing the untouched glass of water in front of Jiang Zhi, he reached down and took a gulp from it.

Jiang Zhi raised his head and looked at him.

"That protective film on your phone, she's the one who fixed it on for you." A great big smile appeared on Xue Baoyi's face. "Brother Zhi, it's about time you become a more forgiving person," he added.

Qiao Nanchu glanced at Jiang Zhi's phone before giving Xue Baoyi's chair a kick. "This is none of your business."

Xue Baoyi's words sounded reasonable which reflected his more merciful nature. Well, more so than Jiang Zhi at least. 

"That young girl is pretty pitiful, don't you think? At such a young age, she has to run a stall while acting part-time for more side-income. It doesn't take an Einstein to be able to tell that she's going through tough times, not to mention the fact that this all started because of your Cupid's arrow going astray."

What a charitable man he appeared to be!

If it were not for the young lady's looks, Xue Baoyi would have insisted on having the fella's head on his table.

Qiao Nanchu ignored the false words of justice spewed out from the thirsty dog's maw and instead, looked over at Jiang Zhi.

"How do you want to deal with it? It's your call to make."

Jiang Zhi was sapped of his energy. His eyes narrowed into slits and his brows furrowed. After a while, the tense look on his face finally loosened up before giving his reply.

"Let her go."

Right after saying that, he started coughing lightly. His eyes, which originally appeared sleepy, were now projecting a look of irritability. It was now late autumn and he hated the cold. The fingers of his hands, which were placed beside his body, were as white as bones due to the freezing temperature.

With his arms crossed, Qiao Nanchu leaned into his chair and his lips curled into a slight smile.

"It's the first time I've heard you say that."

Jiang Zhi's decision had surprised Xue Baoyi, who threw a glance at the reborn saint.

"He pities the poor girl."

Jiang Zhi grunted in response. "Pity my ass!"

Outside the room in the main office, Zhou Xufang was going through the civil dispute mediation procedure. 

"Sign here and you're free to go." A police officer with an exceptionally round face explained.

She scribbled down a signature. Just then, Jiang Zhi walked out from the waiting room which prompted her to turn around, although, he didn't even spare her a glance. Painted on his face was that same old cold and indifferent expression that seemed almost alienating.

Zhou Xufang contemplated for a moment before deciding to walk up to the person. Raising her head, she put down all defenses for the moment.

"Thank you."

Not only was this man drop-dead gorgeous, but he was also kind-hearted. She was very grateful to him, and her gratitude came from the bottom of her heart.

Jiang Zhi merely glanced at her and responded with furrowed brows before turning to leave. His anger was stirred up at the sight of this person and he could feel the fury welling up from within him, but somehow, he just couldn't bring himself to express it.

He was no saint. Knowing that, why had he let her go?

Perhaps he was possessed by some benign spirit or something.

Ah Wan, who trailed behind Jiang Zhi, stopped and looked at Zhou Xufang for a few seconds before catching up with his master.

"We've met before..." Ah Wan felt that he was tied by fate to this young lady. "...back on the beach." That night, when the young master had been abducted and abandoned on the beach, it was her that he had crossed paths with while searching for the abductee.

Zhou Xufang lowered her head. Her instinct of distancing herself from others had finally kicked in. Pulling the hood of her sweater over her head, she denied eye-contact with anyone else for the night. With a cautious gaze, she replied, "I sell screen protectors nearby that place."

Her client had promised Xufang that she wouldn't be hurting anybody for the job. She would just be setting up the premises for the hero to come swooping in to save the day. Still, she had felt a sense of unease, hence why she had remained by the man's side and only left after confirming that nothing bad was going to befall him.

"Oh," Ah Wan replied without doubting her. However, he could feel that this young lady was quite lonely and surprisingly paranoid.

The sound of coughing outside was brought into the police station by the blowing wind.

Ah Wan sighed and muttered to himself, "What a fragile young master."

"What are you waiting for!? Hurry up and start the car already!"

The young master was throwing a tantrum outside.

'Where does he find the strength to do so?' Ah Wan wondered. Maybe it was a sign of his youth. As sickly as he may be, Jiang Zhi was still a young man with six-pack abs.

How did he know that? Well, it was by accident and the young master had ordered him to keep his mouth shut about the matter. Ah Wan found it hard to understand his master. Jiang Zhi appeared to be so weak and skinny like a twig that he'd easily be blown away by a strong gust of wind, and yet somehow, he possessed nice solid abs. He, too, had abs, but it came at a cost of two hours of intense exercise daily. 

Oh, just how unfair was this world!?


Ah Wan hurriedly made his way to open the car door for the young master.

It was way past ten pm when Zhou Xufang finally made her way home. She took a bath and changed into yet another black sweater that was designated to be worn indoors. Moving the computer onto her bed, she contacted her colleague, Shuang Jiang.

The computer screen was filled with Spongebobs before Shuang Jiang's words came popping out.

"Has there been a new mission?"

"No." She replied. 

Zhou Xufang got up from her bed to grab the box of marshmallows from the table. Plopping the box of marshmallows onto her bed, she popped one into her mouth while she squeezed another with her fingers playfully. "I accidentally hurt another person. I would like to give him something as compensation, but what should I get him?"

After a few seconds, a new line of words popped up on the screen.

"Where was he hurt?"

"His hand was dislocated."

This incident was her fault so she felt obligated to give him something in return as an apology. She didn't have any friends except for her two "colleagues"—Shuang Jiang and Fang Lixiang. The thing was, Xufang did not have any methods to contact the latter, so she could only direct her question at Shuang Jiang.

Very quickly, Shuang Jiang offered her suggestion. 

"Send him a chicken as a source of nourishment for his recovery."

Send him a chicken, huh?

Zhou Xufang had no experience in gift-giving. From what she could remember, she had always been alone. No one had taught her how to live as a human with emotions. Despite this, she bit her lip and showed a never-seen-before distressed expression. 

"I don't know if he likes chicken or not."

"Then, what else do you know that he likes?"

She popped another fluffy marshmallow into her mouth. It was so sweet that her teeth hurt. She searched her memory for a while before replying, "I think he loves milk. Like, really loves milk. He drank three cans of milk this afternoon."

It was just like how she loved marshmallows.

Shuang Jiang replied. "Then you should give him a chicken and a carton of milk."

Zhou Xufang had finally found her answer.