You Must Crave My Beauty (Part 2)

"However, this sense of unease would only grow larger when this girl isn't around him."

'Such a symptom…'

"What about physical contact? Does he act repulsively toward it?" Doctor Qiu asked.

This time, Jiang Zhi's answer came relatively quickly. "No."

"Does this only apply to the specific girl you're talking about or does it also apply to other girls as well?"

There was a dazed look in Jiang Zhi's cherry blossom eyes as he answered, "I'm not sure."

There weren't any other girls he could accept touching him, was there? No one in this world would dare to treat him the way that girl did, after all. She was the only one who didn't hesitate to grapple him, what more to say of physical contact.

That question stirred up even more curiosity within Doctor Qiu. He wondered just what kind of a woman it took to turn this gay man, who was well-known throughout the entire nation for his looks, back to being straight. His mind had wandered off elsewhere when his tongue slipped. 

"Then, what do you feel towar-"

Doctor Qiu's question was intercepted almost instantly by Jiang Zhi. "I've said it and I'll say it again. This is Xue Baoyi's problem, not mine."


'Was he pissed off by that?'

Doctor Qiu quickly altered his words. "So, has your friend, Xue Baoyi, developed an interest in that woman?"

Jiang Zhi glared at the doctor as if sending him an ultimatum to not screw up again. After seeing that Doctor Qiu had acknowledged it, he finally returned to a more relaxed posture. "Mmhmm," he mumbled a reply. So, the cat was finally let out of the bag. Biting his knuckle, Jiang Zhi added, "Very interested."

Doctor Qiu now realized that the psychological consultation he had prepared for had now turned into more of a consultation for love. Feeling extra-bold, the doctor wanted to grab the bull by its horns.

"H-has he developed any feelings for her?" he asked. To avoid screwing up like before, Doctor Qiu remembered to add emphasis. "Of course, I'm talking about your friend."

Jiang Zhi's mind went blank for a moment.


Back when he was still around his mid-teens, he had once liked another boy. However, being a child, he wasn't able to confirm whether or not the feelings he harbored was what they called "deep love" as the person he liked had unexpectedly died. Feelings? He had no idea what such an abstract thing was. The only thing he knew was that even after so many years, he still couldn't get around the death of his first love.

Jiang Zhi averted his gaze. Perhaps he felt that it wasn't enough, so he raised his teacup to shield his face from Doctor Qiu as he asked, "How can you tell if you have feelings?"

"Well, for example, your heart would start racing, your core temperature would shoot up the roof, and..." Remembering that Jiang Zhi was well-accustomed to feelings of sickness, he provided an example he should be able to relate to most. "...and feeling your heart starting to seize up."


Jiang Zhi's facial expression went through a complete change within the time it took to place his teacup down onto the table.

'Heart seizing up my ass! Where did this dumbass psychologist graduate from?'

"Alright, that's enough. We'll end today's session here." Picking up his overcoat, Jiang Zhi rose from his seat so abruptly that he even started coughing.

Doctor Qiu had no idea what effects his words had on this little dictator. Seeing how intent his client was on leaving, he had no choice but to stand up from his seat and pass him his business card. "T-this is my name card. If Master Jiang has any related questions in the future, please, feel free to contact me."

Jiang Zhi's face was contemplative. Finally, a few seconds later, he reached out to accept the business card.

Pushing the door open, Jiang Zhi exited the booth. He didn't know that this place allowed indoor smoking, and the lingering smell of cigarettes further riled up his anger, making him crush the business card in his hand into a ball. Walking around the corner, he hesitated for a moment before chucking the ball into a nearby bin. Turning away from the bin, he bumped into Zhou Xufang who, unsurprisingly, was dressed completely in black.

"Jiang Zhi."

Two words. Said with a cold, desolate voice that had no emotions whatsoever.

Somehow, this person could always find a way to create an intense feeling within him that others couldn't. It felt as though a heavy sledgehammer was smashing into his heart without warning.

Just like what that dog sh*t psychologist had described, his heart was now racing and his body felt as though it was burning up.

Unconsciously, he gulped out of nervousness. "Y-you! What are you doing here!?"

There was conflict within his hazy gaze. He seemed happy, and yet, there was a sense of displeasure... or was it dissatisfaction?

Either way, Zhou Xufang couldn't decipher the look in his eyes, so she looked away. "I'm here to deliver something."

His eyes were red and puffy. Jiang Zhi was on the verge of tearing up as he stared at her. Even his breathing rate had suddenly gone sporadic.

Zhou Xufang felt uncomfortable from all the staring, so she stepped back away from Jiang Zhi. Raising her head, she finally noticed his strange demeanor. "Your face looks really red. Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

'Yes, uncomfortable.'

'His heart would feel uncomfortable every time they bumped into each other.'

Before Jiang Zhi was able to respond, a drunkard stumbled around the corner, and tripping over his own feet, he lunged toward Jiang Zhi.

Zhou Xufang was somehow able to react in time to pull Jiang Zhi away. Grabbing his arm, she yanked him away from the drunk old man, straight into... a cold, hard wall, far, far away. The resulting impact made him feel as if his lungs had collapsed into itself, and the pain was so immense that his face glowed bright red.

He bit his lip, perhaps to stop his coughs from breaking out. There was a stunned look on his face as he stared blankly at the area on his arm where Zhou Xufang had grabbed. Gradually, two bright red marks appeared, presumably the imprints of her fingers.

Meanwhile, the drunkard had stumbled into the distance.

It was then that Zhou Xufang realized that she had messed up. "Did I hurt you again?" She pursed her lips and wore an apologetic expression on her face. "I'm really sorry, I couldn't control my strength."

Jiang Zhi remained silent. His focus was on the part where she had touched his arm, which currently felt as though it was on fire and a little numb too.

This woman! She would always shove him around as if he was her property.

Zhou Xufang stood there, awaiting Jiang Zhi's response which never came. The desolate look in her eyes faded away as she pulled down her cap. 

"Well then, I'll be off making deliveries."

Jiang Zhi still remained silent.

"See you later." She left without waiting for his response.

She would always waltz right into his vision and then proceed to walk away like a blowing breeze, leaving him standing there soullessly like a jack*ss.


Jiang Zhi kicked the trash can over and then started pulling his hair like a madman. Unwillingly and resentfully, he picked up the crumpled business card from the pile of trash.

Throughout their journey home, Ah Wan could feel that the young master's soul had wandered off somewhere else.

Zhou Xufang made 6 deliveries that night. It was almost 11 pm by the time she finally reached home. Immediately after stepping through the front door, she headed for the fridge from which she retrieved 2 cans of fresh, cold milk. Detecting her presence, Shuang Jiang booted up her computer remotely.

"Ah Fang, the client has given us the time for the operation."

Holding a can in one hand, she pulled open the tab of the other can with her teeth. "When's that?"

"Tomorrow night, at 9 pm. You're gonna have to send the target to Unit 101, Block 7 of Jiajing Garden."

Zhou Xufang took a seat and set about finishing the 2 cans of milk. From time to time, she would even pop in a marshmallow or two between sips of milk. She kicked off the plush bunny slippers at the end of her bed before laying down on the cool, black sheets of her bed.

'40 million.'

'Jiang Zhi and 40 million…'

'But Jiang Zhi is so pretty. Guess I'll have to give up that 40 million.'

She picked up her phone and sent Jiang Zhi a text.

[Jiang Zhi.]

He replied quickly, but only with a single word: [Yeah.]

Zhou Xufang typed at a snail's pace: [Can you not go out tomorrow night?]

On the other end of the conversation, Jiang Zhi stared with fire in his eyes at the screen of his phone. For someone who had been awakened from his slumber at midnight, he didn't seem sleepy, not even one bit.

He replied: [Reason.]


Obviously she couldn't say that someone was planning to kidnap him. Zhou Xufang deliberated for a while before deciding to change the way she conveyed her message: [You are too attractive. Would be risky to go out at night.]

It wasn't too far from the truth anyway. She added: [There are lots of perverts out there.]

After a few seconds, his reply arrived: [Does my safety concern you?]

At that moment, there was still a marshmallow in Zhou Xufang's mouth. It had started melting, covering the inside of her mouth with a sickeningly sweet sensation. Her eyes curved upward and she smiled. Lowering her head, she typed out a reply patiently: [No, it does not.]

She followed up with another message which seemed to come from the bottom of her heart: [But you're a good person. I don't want others to hurt you.]

Jiang Zhi, who was waiting for her reply, was speechless when it finally came through.


A good person my ass!

He tossed his phone aside which in turn knocked over a glass of water standing by his bedside table. Hot water from the said glass then splattered all over his body. However, he didn't pay too much attention to it and instead, hurriedly fished up his phone from the floor.

Theoretically speaking, he should've been fuming at being woken up in the middle of the night, especially by a woman. He should not have acted like a hormonal teenage boy, eagerly typing away to his crush with sweaty palms.

Unable to contain his excitement, he pressed on the dark profile on his screen and sent two subsequent texts over.

[Zhou Xufang.]


[You must be craving my beauty, aren't you?]