He Touched It (Part 2)

"Fang Lixiang, hurry up and get over here!"

Fang Lixiang turned around, bewildered. "Wasn't it scheduled for 10?" It was only 8 am!

Assistant Director Zhao rolled his eyes. "You can't just go frolicking around in your free time! I'll have you know that the director is not very impressed by your work!" Director Jiang had, in fact, ordered him over to put restraints on this unmanageable chimpanzee of an actress.

Feeling offended even though she had done nothing wrong, Fang Lixiang protested. "So what of it? I will frolic whenever and wherever I want to! Which part of that ticked him off!?"

Assistant Director Zhao pulled the feisty girl over. Stealing glances at Zhou Xufang, he whispered into her ears, "How would I know."

This Zhou Xufang girl…

Some things were better left unsaid.

After that, Ah Wan discovered that the young master's tense expression had loosened up. Finally, he could return to gazing at that young lady's hands. Unconsciously, a slightly indecisive smile even broke out across his face. That smile reminded him of Jiang Zhi's expression back when he had spent the night behind bars after he had stolen the young master's precious watch.

Zhou Xufang's modeling part was scheduled after Fang Lixiang's session, and it was completed in one take without any retakes. Right after the shoot ended, Assistant Director Zhao handed her 2,000 yuan in cash, folded and tied up into a thick, heavy stack. Feeling the weight in her hand, Zhou Xufang's mood brightened up significantly, even treating the crew members around her to a can of milk each.

Jiang Zhi stood nearby, wondering why this girl never smiled. If only she did, how lovely she would've looked.

Come lunchtime, Fang Lixiang bounced her way over to Zhou Xufang with two large packs of food in her hands. At that moment, she looked just like a bumblebee who had returned to its hive, stuffed full of pollen.

"The lunch boxes they give out here tastes like crap. I've bought you some nice stuff from outside. Here you go, this is for you!"

After shoving everything into Zhou Xufang's arms, Fang Lixiang shot off into the distance.

Zhou Xufang scratched her head cluelessly. Then, she entered into a state of deep thought.

On the other side, Jiang Wei'er, Fang Lixiang's personal assistant, had watched the whole event unfold. Feeling that the girl had gone overboard, she asked, "What's wrong with you?"

She could tell that Fang Lixiang wanted to peer into Zhou Xufang's eyes to see if the latter was capable of feeling embarrassed.

Fang Lixiang responded with a sweet smile that may or may not have been faked. Casually, she replied, "I've owed her too much in my past life, so, in this lifetime, the Fang family will do our best to repay our lord and savior, Zhou Xufang!"


Something was off.

Fang Lixiang didn't delve deeper into the topic and instead, she booted up her game. Immediately upon doing so, started yelling over the mic at her fellow players.

"Arghh! Why do I keep bumping into these noobfags!?"

She poured her entire vocabulary of insults into her mic at those supposed "noobs", but that only resulted in these "noobs" adding her as in-game allies.

"Why are you adding me as yer' friend!?"

Debating with herself for a moment, Fang Lixiang finally accepted their request. "D*mn it! You can't beat me in-game and you dare to approach me now!? I'll show you! I'll show you why some flowers are red-colored! Blood will be spilled!"

After cursing to herself, she started typing insults on her screen furiously.

Jiang Zhi had only eaten a handful of bites during lunch before laying down his chopsticks.

Ah Wan, the most caring bodyguard in existence, took note of this. "Boss, is this not suited to your taste? Would you like me to order something else for you?"

Looking at his own hands, the young master ordered him absent-mindedly, "Get Zhou Xufang over."

Ah Wan's eyes were brimming with curiosity upon hearing the young master utter that name. "If I may ask, for what reason are you calling her over?"

Jiang Zhi slammed his phone down onto the table.


The glass screen cover of his phone had been shattered quite a while ago. Despite Ah Wan's repeated attempts to get Jiang Zhi to change it, not even once had the young master responded positively to his suggestion. So why? Why was he willing to skip lunch just to get a new screen protector? What was he planning?

Who could ever get used to this man!

"But boss, it's not like she's gonna bring screen-protectors around with her all day long, right? If you insist, I could help you go out and-"

"Lin Wanwan," Jiang Zhi cut him off.

For the young master to call him by his actual name, something wrong must've happened. It was a sort of warning signal issued by Jiang Zhi.

Jiang Zhi's tyranny prevailed over Ah Wan's sense of justice. Obediently, he hung his head and agreed. "Okay, I'll be off then."

In less than 5 minutes, Ah Wan had brought Zhou Xufang over to Jiang Zhi's personal resting lounge.

"You were looking for me?" She was wearing Fang Lixiang's white down jacket which further emphasized how pale her complexion was. She was still wearing a hat, exposing only her palm-sized face to Jiang Zhi.

She still looked better in dark clothes.

Jiang Zhi walked past her and ordered Ah Wan. "Get out."

Not making even the slightest sound, Ah Wan walked out the door. However, the moment the door clamped shut, his ears were glued to the door's surface. For a man and a woman to be alone in a closed room, all it took was a single spark to ignite a wildfire... he would be a jackass for not listening in on their interaction.

Zhou Xufang was standing around 5 meters away from Jiang Zhi, and she stopped herself from moving any closer.

Jiang Zhi, now seated, appeared to be in a relatively good condition today because of the warmer weather. Still, there were dark circles underneath his eyes, indicative of sleep deprivation recently. 

"The screen of my phone is busted."

His finger pointed toward a phone on his table.

Zhou Xufang looked at the phone in silence. She didn't know how to respond to such a statement.

An "Oh" was the only response from her.


He was starting to pant slightly. For some reason, he could never be in peace whenever she was around. Standing up, he moved closer to her but still maintained a gap between them. In a dominant tone, he ordered her. "I want you to fix it for me."

Sure, it was a dominant tone, but if one listened closely, there was a hint of bashfulness in his voice as well.

She finally realized why Jiang Zhi had called her here. He was looking out for her side-hustle too. What a good person indeed, but still...

"I can't do it here. Everything in my stall is back home."

Jiang Zhi's eyelashes fluttered like the wings of a butterfly. "Then take out your phone."

Although she had no idea what he was up to, Zhou Xufang took out her phone obediently.

The butterfly fluttered its wings once again, unveiling Jiang Zhi's dreamy eyes. "It's the same model as mine."


Thus, he said, "Peel off your screen cover. Then, apply it onto my phone."


Just when she thought that Fang Lixiang was acting weird today, Jiang Zhi was acting even weirder.

Zhou Xufang had once gotten her IQ checked, and it had proved to be exceptionally high. Despite this, she still found it impossible to understand complex and contradicting creatures, that was the human being.

"Are you feeling under the weather today?" Apart from this, she couldn't come up with anything else to explain why Jiang Zhi was acting the way he was right now. After all, she knew that Jiang Zhi was a dainty little prince.

Jiang Zhi did not dismiss her question. 

Perhaps he really was down with a sickness, otherwise, he wouldn't have kept thinking about her hands since last night. He wanted to caress those hands to be exact, and whatever target Jiang Zhi set for himself would be achieved no matter what, even at the cost of destroying the world.

"You can charge any price you want." This lady needed money after all.

Zhou Xufang considered the matter for a brief period.

If it were any other person, she would've definitely ignored him, however, this was Jiang Zhi we were talking about. Such a good-looking person with such a weak body. Zhou Xufang had no other choice but to take him up on his offer. "I usually sell these for 20 yuan apiece. Since you'll be getting a used one, I think 10 yuan is enough."


In his current state of mind, Jiang Zhi wouldn't even have hesitated if she had asked for 100 million yuan. Contrary to what he had expected, she only demanded a measly 10 yuan.

Without further delay, Zhou Xufang crouched down by the coffee table which she used as her operating table. Pulling out a wet wipe, she began to clean Jiang Zhi's screen. Then, she peeled off her own screen protector before applying it to his phone. Because it was a used piece of glass, there were some minor imperfections when applied.

Her fingers moved around skilfully and Jiang Zhi watched them intently.

He was born with a naturally beautiful pair of eyes and his long eyelashes meant that those eyes were better-looking than many other girls too. As for Zhou Xufang, it was a rare occasion for her to make eye contact with someone else due to the fear of her identity being exposed. The only person she had ever stared at was none other than Jiang Zhi.

His gaze was glowing brighter and brighter, almost as if the Milky Way had suddenly descended upon the Earth.

"I don't have any spare change," he said.

Standing up, Zhou Xufang walked over and passed the phone back to Jiang Zhi. "No big deal, just pay me next time."

Her hands were pale, too pale. It was as if she had never been exposed to the sun before. His gaze was fixated on her hands as he reached out to take his phone.

Finally, he touched it. Her hand.