Their Relationship Has Already Gone Sexual

Once again, Jiang Zhi choked up and went silent.

Ah Wan had a different viewpoint. He thought that this screen protector-selling Miss Zhou was an unpolished gem who looked at money the same way she looked at a pile of dung. She was an extremely generous person, much unlike the gold diggers that had plagued their society in great numbers.

These women had an insatiable appetite for literally everything. Miss Zhou was the complete opposite of these bimbos—she was a woman of dignity. Look at her, feeling satisfied with a deal that yielded her only a hundred or so thousand yuan in profits. If she was another one of those darned Jezebels, she would already be b*tching about it endlessly.

What was more, Miss Zhou cared so much for the young master that she had even ordered a truckload of eggs for him.

'What kind of a godly love does she have for him? Oh, how I wish-'

"Lin Wanwan."

'Stop calling me Lin! Wan! Wan!'

Ah Wan reluctantly stepped forward. "What!?"

'F*ck this, I should get my name changed or something!'

"Send these eggs to Chang'an Residence. And get some man to help you if you can." Jiang Zhi then reminded him, "Make sure you don't break them."

Sending eggs which were at most, a few bucks per piece, over to a multi-million dollar manor made Ah Wan, who couldn't even choke up a sizable marriage dowry, feel slightly depressed.


Since the order was relatively large, the truck driver even agreed to deliver the goods straight to the manor's doorstep.

Zhou Xufang thanked the uncle before turning toward Jiang Zhi. "Now that that's dealt with, please excuse me."

"Together." Seeing how his young master was following closely behind Zhou Xufang, Ah Wan couldn't help but see the image of a newlywed wife following obediently in her husband's tracks.


Zhou Xufang didn't even slow her footsteps down for Jiang Zhi. Noticing that there was an increasing number of pedestrians around them, she hastily left on her own, disappearing into the sea of strangers.


Jiang Zhi felt the urge to grab her and press her down hard so she couldn't escape from his grasp!

Ah Wan covered his mouth with his hand and stood nearby chuckling at the sight of the young master's pathetic romantic endeavor. For once in a very long time, he felt a sense of happiness, and so, his hand gently brushed over the eggs in the truck. "Boss, since you can't finish all these eggs by yourself, can I bring some home to eat?"

Jiang Zhi gave him a sassy look. "There are a total of 3496 eggs here. For every lost one, I will deduct its value from your wage."


'How nasty!'

Ah Wan now felt that the devilish young master was a bad match with that angelic Miss Zhou who, at the same time, was a highly-capable well-mannered lady.

Xue Baoyi came over to Film City at 4 pm that afternoon.

"D*mn, son! That's a pretty avant-garde hairstyle you've got going up there!" Xue Baoyi ran his fingers through his own grey hair, contemplating if he should get his hair dyed the same color as Jiang Zhi's.

Jiang Zhi remained silent as his mind was filled with one single person only. It had been a mere few hours since she had left, but he was already starting to get physiological reactions to their abrupt separation.

"It's not bad. Where'd ya' get it done?" asked Xue Baoyi.

This blue hair of his had turned the originally uptight Jiang Zhi into more of an intimidating gangster—the kind you'd often see lingering in the alleyways.

This new look was totally "badass" as Xue Baoyi put it. It made him a different kind of "attractive".

The "badass" Jiang Zhi shot back with a pretty cold response. "That face of yours paired with this color? What are you planning to do next? Go smash up someone's car to collect his overdue debt?"


What a sassy little demon.

Fine, whatever, the second master was a man of patience. Xue Baoyi tossed a dossier over to Jiang Zhi. "Here, the thing you were looking for." He then took off his jacket before lying down on Jiang Zhi's custom-made recliner.

Jiang Zhi flipped the file open and scanned through the first two pages. Then, he shot a look at Xue Baoyi that was filled with nothing but disgust and admonition.

'What a clean freak.'

Xue Baoyi casually jabbed at him as he got up from the recliner and compliantly moved his ass over to the sofa. "Tang Heng's financing project was nothing but a farce founded by Jin Song. I've checked his account as well as Tang Heng's finances and a lot of questions need to be answered. I'm just speculating here but I think Jin Song is planning to drain Tang Heng dry behind Jin Lei's back."

He then looked up at Jiang Zhi. "So, how are you gonna deal with this fella?"

Jin Song had hired a third party in his greedy little quest to swindle money and enrich himself. For this sin, he had to bear the consequences fully.

Xue Baoyi felt a storm brewing underneath the surface.

Brother Zhi was gonna do something wild.

"Are you thinking of feeding the brothers to a pack of hungry dogs?"

Despite Jin Song being an illegitimate child, his brother, Jin Lei, treated him better than he did anyone else. However, over the years, he had gradually morphed into a merciless beast under the guidance of his equally inhumane brother. This should be a pretty entertaining show.

"Of course," replied Jiang Zhi casually. Laying there on the sofa, he coughed lightly. "I'm a sick man who needs to tend to his own body. I can't have people like them plotting things in the dark."

Xue Baoyi almost burst out into laughter after hearing Jiang Zhi say that.

'You're the biggest puppet master there is and you dare say such a thing? Unbelievable!'

However, what came out of Xue Baoyi's mouth was completely contrary to his thoughts. "I still think you should keep your hands clean. At least your family won't start suspecting you."

Maybe it really was the best for Jiang Zhi to continue playing his role of the sick, dying character. That way, when the Jiang family finally collapsed from infighting, he would have the power to shut the door and finish off the remnants of whatever scum that remained.

Jiang Zhi acted as if he had not even the slightest interest in the matter.

Another thing suddenly popped up in Xue Baoyi's mind. "Hey, I heard from Qiao Nanchu that the professional runner from before had sent you an email telling you to be wary of Jin Song." He started laughing uncontrollably. "What did you get yourself into this time, Brother Zhi? Seems like she's developed feelings for you, no? To think that a would-be abductor of yours would risk her life to protect you! Ha!"

Jiang Zhi treated silence as gold. "None of your concern."

Xue Baoyi was exactly the type of person to poke his nose into other people's matters. "I'm thinking, maybe the time has finally come for your love life to start blossoming."

"Piss off."

Would you look at that? What an unlikeable little demon he was.

Xue Baoyi stubbornly remained on the sofa. In fact, he started acting like a dainty woman, even in the way he spoke. "Brother Zhi~ I thought we could talk about anything in bed~"


'Time to kick him to death.'

It was right around then that they were interrupted by a heavy thud on the door as if it had been smashed by something heavy.

"Who's there?" asked Jiang Zhi, whose face turned dead-serious in a split-second.

"It's me…"

After hearing a weak response, the door was suddenly pushed open by the trembling hand of a woman followed by a cute little face on which there were 2 visible dimples.

It was the only child of the Fang family, Fang Lixiang.

"The screenwriter changed my script and I was told to bring it to you."

Timidly, she approached them like a curious little mouse.

Xue Baoyi had seen a photo of this young lady before. She was a fresh-faced rookie that had just signed a contract to work under his company. Her acting was pretty convincing, but what he didn't notice was how much potential she had if she worked as a paparazzi.

"You can leave it there," said Jiang Zhi as he pointed toward a cabinet near the door.

Fang Lixiang did as she was told before stealing two glances at both of them. Rubbing her nose, she shrunk into the collar of her coat as she announced her departure. "I will interrupt your conversation no more." Silently, she turned to exit the room. Just before she stepped out the door, she turned around and flashed them a genuine smile. "Director Jiang, President Xue, I swear on me mom that my lips are sealed."

She swore to never tell anyone about Director Jiang and President Xue's secret relationship.

Fang Lixiang retreated swiftly after being booted out by the "secret lovers". Shortly after running away, she came across Zhou Xufang crouched down in a corner.

The floodgates of information were about to burst open

"Xufang! Xufang!"

Zhou Xufang looked up at her. "Yeah?"

Fang Lixiang ran over to her and sat down on the cold hard floor beside her. Brimming with enthusiasm, she spoke into Zhou Xufang's ears. "Let me tell you this, the rumored affair between my boss and Director Xue has just been confirmed by me!"


Zhou Xufang took 5 seconds to respond to this news. "Jiang Zhi and Mister Xue?"

Fang Lixiang's head bobbed up and down. "I heard it with my own ears. He even said "Don't tell anyone about this"."

She leaned closer and whispered into Zhou Xufang's ears, "I'm telling you, they are already in a sexual relationship."


Fang Lixiang, the fujoshi's heart was seconds away from exploding. In her mind, the scene of two studs, one with blue hair and the other, grey, was playing and rewinding nonstop…

'Oh yeah, I'm gonna get a nosebleed if this keeps up.'

Fang Lixiang touched her nose to check if any blood had come out. "I wonder if they're just friends with benefits or if they're full-blown romantic partners." Either way, it was just as she had predicted—something was going on between the two men.

Next to her, Zhou Xufang had gone silent. The milk can in her hand was tilted to one side and milk had started spilling onto the ground.


The milk can she had had in her grip was now crumpled up.

Fang Lixiang was just about to ask her what was happening.

Finishing the milk, Zhou Xufang slammed her foot down onto the can before tossing it into a plastic bag that she used as a temporary trash bag. "Filming is gonna start soon, I'd better get changed."

Zhou Xufang started looking for trash cans, not to throw her litter in, but to smash up angrily. Oh, right, there were lots of them in the car park.

Zhou Xufang was halfway to the car park when her footsteps stopped suddenly. From behind a pillar about a hundred or so meters away, a clear voice drifted into her ear canal.

"You're going to meet Jiang Wei'er?"


It was a voice Zhou Xufang recognized. If she recalled correctly, he was Jiang Wei'er's boyfriend.

Another woman, wearing a well-ironed professional suit, stepped out of the camper van. Her chestnut-colored hair grew down to her waist and was permed into large curls. She appeared to be around her early thirties and looks-wise, she was average at best. One thing she had in her favor was her clean look, but that was all.

"But there are a lot of onlookers there. I think it's still best for both of you to meet in private."

Xiao Linshu donned a mask as well as a baseball cap that was pulled down low over his eyes. "Our relationship is none of your business."

He was acting the complete opposite of how he usually would, his gaze cold and hostile. Sporting a black overcoat, his entire silhouette appeared gloomy.

"I am your manager! I have the right to manage what you do."

"Lin Shuang. You've forgotten your place here."


Xiao Linshu ignored her warning and stepped away from her. The woman then frantically pulled onto the sleeve of his shirt, choking up as she apologized. "I'm sorry."

Without uttering a single word in response, he pulled away from the woman's grip.

Zhou Xufang, crouched behind the pillar, thought back to the previous time when she had caught Xiao Linshu and Jiang Wei'er having an affair here in the same car park. She couldn't comprehend why people liked having this "affair" so much.

The woman called Lin Shuang stood on the spot for a while before climbing back into the vehicle and leaving the area.

Zhou Xufang finally stood up and walked over to a nearby trash can which she flipped over with a kick.

In the next second, she was couched over the mess she had made, cleaning up after herself with "dedication".