Useless People are Not Welcome Here

A protective and nurturing expression appeared on Lian Qing's face as he stroked Xiao Jing's head. In an earnest tone that belied the meaning of his words, he said, "If you suffer or get bullied in the other team in the future, don't come back. Being transferred out of the team is like a bucket of dirty water being poured away. My unit is not a recycling bin."

Xiao Jing was at a loss for words. She moved his hand away and stood up. Dusting the dirt off her body, she looked up and replied, "Don't worry, Commander. I won't come back. If a day comes when I really must return, I will do so with glory and honor."

Lian Qing's lips broke out in a grin as he gazed indulgently at the rascal who had looked malnourished on the first day he had entered the camp. He had suddenly grown a pair of wings. Now, he was finally flying the coop.

Lian Qing sighed. "Just like that, my head of cabbage has been stolen by a pig."

"Commander, I heard that. You have to remember that I'm his subordinate now," Xiao Jing couldn't resist quipping with a smile as she looked at Lian Qing.

Lian Qing raised his leg and gave Xiao Jing a swift kick to her knee. "You've grown a pair of wings indeed! I'm warning you, if you're ever bullied in the future, don't tell anyone you came from my unit. It'll be too much of an embarrassment for me."

Xiao Jing smiled as she tossed her water bottle high into the air without a word. The bottle landed squarely inside the trash.

The weather the next day was equally clear. The sweltering heat made the camp feel like one huge steamer.

Mu Xichi stood in front of a jeep, puffing a cigarette between his fingers. When he saw the figure of the man walking out of the dormitory, he extinguished his cigarette and saluted. "Commander, are you ready to go?" he asked.

"Where's Xiao Jing?" Shen Chengfeng asked. He looked the same as when he had first appeared, wrapped up like a dumpling in his full army attire.

The entire SS501 unit, it seemed, had never seen their Commander walking around shirtless before.

Mu Xichi suddenly recalled the rumors he had heard in the past. Was it true that General Shen's body had an ailment?

"Sorry I'm late." Xiao Jing ran to the car, panting and dragging her luggage behind her.

Shen Chengfeng got into the seat of the car without any expression on his face. As far as the others could tell, he hadn't even spared her a second glance.

Xiao Jing stood in front of the car, wondering to herself which seat she should take.

"Why are you dawdling? Get in the car!" Mu Xichi opened the door to the driver's seat and glanced at the unmoving figure. Pointing at the seat beside him, he said, "Sit."

"Are you waiting for me to open the car door for you?" a cold voice rang out from the backseat.

Xiao Jing glanced at the space that had been left vacant for her and hurried to open the rear door. She sat down, and with a nervous laugh, she asked, "Commander, will this be too much of a squeeze for you?"

Mu Xichi rubbed his forehead and said, "Sit in the passenger seat up front."

Xiao Jing got out of the car in embarrassment and headed towards the front door. It was a lot more spacious in front.

Mu Xichi leaned forward and whispered to her, "Keep a distance from the Commander. He has severe mysophobia!"

Xiao Jing quickly sniffed herself. Wait a minute! What did his mysophobia have to do with her proximity to him? Was he implying that she unclean or that she had body odor?

Lian Qing stood at the front door of the camp and watched the jeep disappear into the distance. He couldn't help but release a long, disgruntled sigh.

Chen Hu was standing beside him and couldn't comprehend why he seemed so down. "What's wrong, Commander?" he asked.

"I have this feeling that our little Comrade Xiao is going to come running back crying one day."

There was no reply.

"I really shouldn't have sent him into the lions' den that is the Special Command Unit. How is our weak little comrade supposed to compete with that group of knife-wielding elites all day?"

"Commander, they haven't gone far. You can still stop it," Chen Hu suggested.

Lian Qing waved his hand in objection and said solemnly, "I'm a soldier and a man of my word. How can I go back on my word so easily? Little Comrade Xiao, we at Regiment 525 will remember you well forever. Just spread your wings and go!"

With that, Lian Qing turned around without another thought and strode off somberly.

Chen Hu sucked his teeth in disdain.

The jeep drove towards the city, which was where the conventional troops by the sea were stationed. It was, at present, the most extensive training base in the empire. It was rumored that the training program there was so harsh that the soldiers from the domestic troops quaked in their boots upon hearing it. Even the bravest elites were flayed alive by the program.

The night breeze blew gently as the jeep finally came to a stop 30 klicks away from the station. They were surrounded by mountains and dense jungles, where mosquitoes thrived in the summer heat and humidity.

A security guard opened the car door, and two soldiers outside the car immediately stood at attention and called out in unison, "Sir!"

Shen Changfeng got out of the car and examined the few people who were lined up in front of him. Xiao was following behind him, and he gestured her over with his finger. Mildly and without any fanfare, he said, "You are all newcomers. Introduce yourselves to each other."

"I am Captain Qin Yishan from Unit 118."

"I am Major Jiang Shi from Unit 118."

"I am Lieutenant Colonel Lin Qi from Unit 002."

"I am Captain Zhao Huran from Unit 009."

"I am Lieutenant Colonel Qi Pei from Unit 112."

Upon hearing everyone's introduction, an inexplicable feeling came over Xiao Jing. She suddenly felt as if her presence was simply to make up the numbers.

"It's your turn." Everyone turned at once to look at Xiao Jing—the only one who had yet to utter a word.

Xiao Jing took a step forward. Her voice was powerful and resonant, and despite her comparatively low military rank, she was full of confidence and vigor. "I am Second Lieutenant Xiao Jing from Unit 525," she announced.

Her introduction was met with absolute silence.

Wasn't it said that all those selected had to be at least Captain or higher? What was a Second Lieutenant doing in their midst?

Everyone exchanged glances. Wasn't Unit 525 the rumored Regiment with Connections that housed all recruits from prestigious and influential families?

Moreover, he had been personally escorted over by the Commander. Had he gotten in because of his connections?

"Commander, the people here this time are quite impressive. We even have two Lieutenant Colonels," Mu Xichi said as he flipped through their data.

Shen Chengfeng inspected each soldier individually. Without beating around the bush, he got straight to the point and declared, "There are only two spots left, and only two of you will remain. The rest of you, regardless of what your rank is, or where you came from, will have to return. There will be no exceptions!"

Two spots?

The feeling of being a lamb sent to the slaughter intensified in Xiao Qing. Given her skinny arms and legs, she was most likely to be eliminated in the first round.

Shen Chengfeng's eyes stopped at her, and without making any effort to disguise the unspoken meaning in his words, he said, "Useless people are not welcome here!"

Xiao Jing met his gaze head-on and unabashedly. She took offense at his comment. Whom was he calling useless? How could such anyone as charming and beautiful as her be useless? She challenged him inwardly. Where on earth was he ever going to find an incompetent person who was as capable as she?

Look at the way he was dressed! Didn't he feel hot at all? Didn't it feel constricting? Wasn't it hard to breath?

"Do you have something to say to me?" Shen Chengfeng narrowed his eyes at her and glared at her.