
Pei Yi came back to the present. Before he could even say the words on the tip of his tongue, Shen Chengfeng had already removed his gloves and was heading straight to the designated ring area.

Wait, what? Did he remove his gloves?

The other people within the camp might not know how Shen Chengfeng was different from other people, but as the eldest son of the Pei family, he had heard rumors about it.

Shen Chengfeng was rumored to have unique body characteristics, which prevented him from having skin-on-skin contact with other people. The moment he has skin-on-skin contact with other people, they either die or suffer severe injuries.

Jiang Xin stared dumbfoundedly at his Commander, who was currently standing in the middle of the ring waiting for his opponent. "What is the Commander doing? Is he planning to fight for real?" he asked.

Cheng Chen furrowed his brows as he answered. "We have all seen for ourselves what the Commander is capable of. Is he planning to kill Xiao Jing?"

Everyone within Steel Eagle started discussing among themselves.

Having heard bits and pieces of the discussion, Lin Qi could not help but ask worriedly, "Why are you guys so shocked? The Commander is always dressed weirdly. Shouldn't it be normal for him to take some stuff off?"

Mu Xichi patted him on the shoulder and tutted in disbelief. "Let us wait and see how the Commander destroys Xiao Jing singlehandedly. Witness the miracle for yourself."

Xiao Jing walked over somewhat reluctantly. It was as if weights had been tied onto her legs, making it difficult for her to take even a single step.

Shen Chengfeng removed his cape and military cap, followed by another pair of gloves. Having not felt this free in ages, he was energized by the sudden liberation. He beckoned Xiao Jing with a finger, and said arrogantly, "Show me what you've got."

Xiao Jing gritted her teeth and pounced on him.

She pounced on him. Under everyone's watchful eyes, Xiao Jing had jumped on him without any hesitation and stuck herself to him like a piece of plaster.

Expressionless as usual, Shen Chengfeng tried to shake her off but to no avail. She was like a little octopus: impossible to shake off once it has attached itself.

Xiao Jing had interlocked her fingers, so no matter how hard he tried to shake her off, she refused to budge and remained stuck to him. It was a comical sight.

Mu Xichi blinked, and the corners of his mouth twitched. "That doesn't make sense. Didn't the Commander come into contact with Xiao Jing's arm just now?"

Pei Yi rubbed his eyes and verified that the two of them were indeed entangled together. Based on their poses, they ought to be amid a deep embrace, which meant they had bodily contact.

However, Xiao Jing appeared to be unharmed.

He recalled that when they were out a mission last month, Shen Chengfeng had managed to tackle at least a hundred opponents on his own. It would be no lie to say that he took down one every second.

"Why isn't the Commander hitting Xiao Jing?" Jiang Xin asked with a pout.

"The Commander seems to be enjoying it immensely," said Cheng Chen, as he stroked his chin. "He probably hadn't expected Xiao Jing to hug him all of a sudden."

"Get off," Shen Chengfeng said coldly.

Xiao Jing shook her head before replying, "You didn't say that hugging wouldn't be allowed in a match like this."

"Don't forget who we are. Today's match is part of the training. When faced with a formidable enemy on the battlefield, are you still going to be thick-skinned and hang off them like this?"

"But this isn't a battlefield, so it should be possible for me to win using my methods," Xiao Jing stubbornly held on to him.

Shen Chengfeng reached out with his hand and tried forcefully to pull her off his body. There was a sound of something ripping as a corner of Xiao Jing's collar disappeared.

Xiao Jing was dumbfounded and quickly scrambled off Shen Chengfeng. She held onto her clothes awkwardly and took two steps back as if she had just suffered an unspeakable grievance.

"Have you had enough fun?" Seeing that Xiao Jing's clothes had partially corroded, Shen Chengfeng did not want to lose whatever momentum he had just gained.

There was nowhere Xiao Jing could hide, so she faced him head-on.

Shen Chengfeng had no intention to go easy on her. He grabbed Xiao Jing's neck in one hand, and asked haughtily, "As you said, this isn't a battlefield, so I'll give you one more chance to surrender."

Xiao Jing tried to remove his hand from her neck. The veins on her forehead bulging, and her voice raspy, she asked hoarsely, "Commander, if I say I won't surrender, do you intend to strangle me to death?"

"This is just training, so no, I won't kill you."

"If that's the case, as long as you're not killing me, I won't surrender," said Xiao Jing, as she lifted her leg to kick him in between his thighs. Unfortunately for her,

Shen Chengfeng immediately figured out what she was trying to do.

Shen Chengfeng effortlessly grabbed hold of Xiao Jing's right leg, and jerked her forward forcefully, causing her to perform a split involuntarily.

Xiao Jing watched dumbfoundedly as a huge hole appeared in her pants. "It's hot. It's hot," she mumbled.

Shen Chengfeng then stopped what he was doing, and was about to release his grip, when he saw a shadow flash past him on his right.

Xiao Jing had an evil smile on her face, as she grabbed Shen Chengfeng's hair with both her hands.

Shen Chengfeng frowned at the pain she was inflicting and tried to catch the little fish who had escaped.

Xiao Jing wrapped herself around him once again and kept her arms tightly wound around Shen Chengfeng's arms. Intending to perish together, she used her forehead to launch an attack by clashing their foreheads together.


She succeeded almost right away, and the attack was so sudden that the audience was barely able to figure out what had just happened. They were only in time to see the two of them stumble backward.

Feeling dizzy, Shen Chengfeng could not help but stumble backward.

Xiao Jing also felt faint and was seeing stars before her. She tried to get away from the devil incarnate, out of his reach, but she had only managed to take two steps before tripping on his feet.

A flurry of dust and soil flew up into the air when she fell to the ground.

When Shen Chengfeng finally recovered his senses, he was forehead to forehead, nose to nose with someone, and when his eyes traveled downwards, his lips seemed to be in contact with something soft and sweet!