If You Meet An Elite, PK Them!

Shen Chengfeng tossed the green snake high in the air and away from them, before saying coldly, "My feedback for you is that you lack observational skills, explosive force, and physical strength. Therefore, you have once again failed."

Xiao Jing was silent.

"You were right about one thing, though. When you first started, you were good for nothing. But you have since progressed steadily, so I should not deprive a hardworking person of his hard-earned rights. After we head back to camp, do two hundred pull-ups, a ten-kilometer weight-bearing cross country run, and three hundred fisted push-ups. You may rest after completing all that."

Following closely behind him, Xiao Jing answered with a smile, "I promise to complete everything, sir."

Shen Chengfeng looked at the little figure from the corner of the eye, his face devoid of any emotion.

Carrying the backpack, Xiao Jing suddenly stopped in her tracks, glanced at the shadow cast over the jungle, then at the sky. The sun had been hidden by the clouds, making it seem bleak in the woods.

"Take cover," Shen Chengfeng pushed down Xiao Jing's head, as the two of them hid among the tall weeds.

Through the gaps in between the weeds, Xiao Jing could see a few figures hurrying, one after another, and showing no signs of hesitation.

Shen Chengfeng watched intently as the group of newcomers left. Only after ascertaining that they were a distance away, did he relax his grip on the handgun.

"Who were those people, Commander?" Xiao Jing asked in hushed tones.

"SSS308 has been conducting lots of secret training recently," Shen Chengfeng looked keenly at Xiao Jing as if he were coming up with some ploy.

Xiao Jing saw through him right away. "You intend to sneak up on them?" she asked, dumbfoundedly.

"What's the point of training if they're going to stick to old ways and methods? I'm sure their Commander would appreciate having me teach this bunch of ignorant fools on their behalf." Throwing his gun to Xiao Jing, he said to her, "Follow me."

Xiao Jing recovered from her surprise and quickly followed in her Commander's footsteps. She had to be extremely vigilant, especially since SSS308 was one of the top four units. Just looking at their abilities, they were already much more reliable than SS501. Their teamwork was even more well-known. It was also rumored that they were the ones who had single-handedly destroyed the MF mercenaries last year.

And Shen Chengfeng was going to bring the blackhole along with him to sneak up on an elite troop?

Ha-ha. She could not muster any enthusiasm.

Mo Luo, the Commander of Unit SSS308 Zhan Yi, raised his hand and signaled for everyone to stop.

The Deputy Commander Jiang Feng stepped forward, his eyes diligently scanning the deep woods before them. He then spoke in hushed tones. "According to the map, we have already entered the most dangerous area. Should we stop and take a short break here?"

Mo Luo nodded and sat down on the spot. After drinking two sips of water from his bottle, he asked, "Has Xiao Sheng returned?"

Jiang Feng shook his head, and carefully examined the satellite images that had been transmitted to them. With a somber expression on his face, he then replied, "It is unclear what the current situation is. Should we continue forging forward?"

"Split into two teams. I want to find out how Steel Eagle usually conducts their training," Mo Luo took two bites of his steamed bun, then continued saying, "Let's go."

By the time he finished speaking, everyone had already gotten ready to set off.

"Deputy Commander, I found some tracks, and have reason to believe that there are people other than us present," said Qi Sheng, as he made his way out of the tall grass. He placed a piece of charcoal on the ground, then resumed, "There's still residual heat on the charcoal, so they couldn't have gone very far."

Jiang Feng looked thoughtfully at the burnt piece of charcoal. The nearest troop was the Steel Eagle, and it was rumored that Shen Chengfeng had a habit of leaving recruits here to fend for themselves and to find some excitement. Could the people who had just left be recruits from Steel Eagle?

Mo Luo mounted his assault rifle, a smirk spreading on his face. "I'm suddenly in the mood for a game of catch. How about we turn today's training into a game of cat and mouse?"

"You want to launch a sneak attack on them, Commander?" Jiang Feng asked.

Mo Luo checked the magazine and replied noncommittally. "Well, if we could get Steel Eagle to assist us in our field training, that wouldn't be such a bad thing, would it?"

Jiang Feng tightened his hold on the notebook computer in his hand. Why did he have a feeling that their roles were going to be reversed?

"The game starts now." Shen Chengfeng, who had been waiting somewhere in the dark for a chance to attack, signaled at Xiao Jing.

Xiao Jing watched his hand signals with a confused expression on her face, and asked wryly, "What are you trying to tell me, Commander?"

Shen Chengfeng furrowed his brows. He seemed to have forgotten that the person behind him was somewhat of a hindrance.

Grabbing tightly onto the weapon, Xiao Jing stated awkwardly, "I promise to complete the mission."

Shen Chengfeng pressed down the person who was raring to go, with a shake of his head. "I'll take the front. You take the back. If anything happens, turn and run."

"Got it." Xiao Jing took a deep breath, as she watched him leaping out of the grass and running after the troop. Clenching her fists, she then got started as well.

Shen Chengfeng's style could be described as such: No planning ahead, improvisation on the spot, facing the enemy head-on and relying on the element of surprise.

However, his current companion was a little soldier with no experience with battlefields, so he was somewhat apprehensive. He needed a good plan, if only for the sake of Xiao Jing.