Tricks On Your Sleeves

"As easily as you build up your walls,

The bricks stacking up to thousands of feet tall.

That's also how easily you'd get envied by all.

By warned dear child,

The higher you build, the greater your fall."


I woke up with Mystica sleeping by my side. Three weeks have passed since I entered this world and I'm slowly getting used to this reality. There are a lot of things that happened. I mean sure I died twice but hey, at least I'm alive now.

I got out of bed and put on my clothes. Downstairs, there are residents who have woken up as early as I have.

"Morning Sid and Jaime." I said as they recognized my presence.

"Good Morning Sir Jean." They said with wide grins on their faces.

"How are your lands doing these days?"

"The harvest is good Sir. We have enough for our families and enough to spare for our relatives. Thank you."

A lot of these people feel indebted to me and Mystica. For them, what we did is not only provide a better shelter but also, give them a better life altogether. All without paying any hefty price. Well, apart from the fact that their land is now mine that is. But hey, it isn't a bad trade if you ask me.

"I better get going. Let's drink later okay guys?"

"With pleasure sir." They replied with a bow.

I made my way to the front yard and sat on one of the wooden benches there. The aroma is as calming as always. I was afraid that the Harui sprouts would lose their fragrance as time passed by but luckily, they still smell the same.

"Status." I took a peek at my current situation in the game. Although I do not directly entertain people, my level still rose steadily. This is because, if things I own grant pleasure, amusement, happiness, calm, or any other positive emotion, the system generates experience points for me. This method isn't normal of course and I'm sure other Entertainers have normal methods of performing. If you think about it, I'll actually be a laughingstock once I get to know other Entertainers.

"Ohh so you revive bugs… I see."

"Oh so you use those muscles to plant flowers… I see."

"Oh so you use that abnormally high intelligence status pont to flirt… I SEEEEEE."

I can hear them already, all the belittling that I'd get from other Entertainers.

But that doesn't matter! What matters is that I am steadily raising my rank. Right now, I'm the 780th Entertainer on the list. This is a really safe spot for the time being but I'm not going top be complacent. I need to keep raising my rank and catch up to King.

"Looking at your stats huh?"

'Hmm yeah"




"WHAAA!" I'm so absorbed in the rankings that I did not even realize how weird it is to be asked that question. I looked behind me and sure enough King is there smiling at me.

"For a minute there you scared me King."

"Haha. Sorry. Sorry." He said.

Although he can see me opening my status window, he cannot actually read what is on it. This is the privacy setting for each Entertainer. It would be bad if another Entertainer could look at your stats without you noticing it. I would've been victim to this seeing how silent King crept behind me.

"What brings you here?" I asked.

"Well there's a proposal I wish to make. Is your Innkeeper awake?"


"Huuuh?! Why should I hire you?" Mystica said in irritation.

Here's a general breakdown of what occurred an hour ago:

1. I woke Mystica up as she kept on mumbling "hug me Jeaaan."

2. I told her that King is here, making her completely awake. (Note: She didn't even bother changing clothes. I guess that's just how much grudge he has for the guy.)

3. As we sat down on the table, King greeted us good morning. Then, he said the words: "I would like to work for Sina's Inn. Please take me as your magician." He said; causing the dilemma I am currently in.

"Mystica, just calm down for a while and listen to his proposal." I held Mystica by the hand.

"Fine." She answered. King gave a short grin before continuing.

"Right. As I'm sure you are well aware, my customers have been slowly decreasing day by day."

That's to be expected. I knew it this would happen but still pushed through. If I want to fight, I need to give it my all. However, Mystica took it negatively and answered.

"You're one to talk. Things were okay before you came. But then you just had to go and steal everyone to your side of the town!" Mystica responded in a fit of rage.

"Let him finish." I pleaded to her.

Mystica held herself back and folded her arms below her chest. Though I can clearly see how her fingers are almost sinking into her skin. She must hold a really deep grudge against King.

"That's true and I apologize." King said in a very mannered tone.

"Miss Mystica, I want to make it up to you and to your inn. I know that I have wronged you. That's why I didn't come here empty handed." I got a bit curious. I thought its only his talent that he's offering but it seems that King has other things in store for us.

"I offer two things. First, if you allow me to live in this place like all the rest, I will perform my magic tricks every night for free. Second, I'm giving you full ownership of Ptah's Inn."

"Hey King." I said, surprised.

"Are you sure about this?" That place is not only where King used to live, it's also where he built up his career. Giving it to us like this is like saying he's willing to throw all of that away.

"How can we trust you?" Mystica asked.

"I may look like an idiot to you but I've been in this trade longer than you have boy. Giving both yourself and your inn is like throwing away your pride." She has a point.

"Let me ask you King, is your pride that easy to buy?" Mystica asked harshly.

The things Mystica said are both decent and level-headed. I'm proud of my Mystica, regaining her composure and behaving like a proper Innkeeper.

"I am not selling anything here Miss Mystica." King replied.

"I plan on moving out of this town as soon as next month. Before that happens, I want to make sure that the legacy I leave here will be put to good use." He continued.

"Please wait there for a moment. My business partner and I will talk about this matter. Enjoy the food. Don't worry it's not poisoned." Mystica grabbed my hand and led me to her room. She locked the door and immediately threw her body on her bed.

Mystica let out a deep sigh and started talking. "That's a lot to take in. What do you think?"

"I think the proposal itself is not bad. He even told us his whole intention and I can feel he's not lying." I told her.

"I know right? It's just a bit difficult for me to accept all of it at the moment. After all, that means we'd get two huge properties now."

"Uhmm we do already own a bunch of land though." I reminded her of how some of our residents paid us with their houses.

"You know that's not what I mean." She said all grumpy again.

"Right, I'm sorry." I said as I sat on the edge of her bed laughing. Mystica decided to join me so she sat right next to me, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"What do you think then? Should we hire him?"

"If we're looking for more profit and to expand our territory, then yes we should." I thought of how my experience points will increase twofold.

"Hmmm." Mystica replied as if still considering on rejecting the proposition.

"Plus, he's doing it out of good will so why not." I added.

"Okay let's do it then." Mystica said, rubbing her face on my shoulder.

"I'm taking out all the negative energy." She said as she wrapped her arms around me.

King must've given her tons of that because Mystica is hugging me more tightly than usual.

"Mystica we should head down; King is waiting for us." I told her.

"Just a bit more." Mystica said. I patted her head and let her continue with what she's doing.

When she's like this I can't help but fall for her even more. It surprised me how she woke up one day with all her memories still in place. That's not supposed to happen after all. The haze was supposed to make her forget, but it didn't. Well, that's a good thing. I don't think I can make her believe that we are lovers.

"Let's get going shall we?" Mystica reluctantly released her hold and stood up as I did. I can feel that she wants to just stay here now. I do too, but the day has just begun. We have a lot of things that needs to be accomplished during the day.

Downstairs, King still sits patiently in the same position. I looked at his plate and it's already empty. All that's left is the cup of coffee which he is now sipping.

"Sorry it took so long." I told him.

"It's fine, I'm the one asking favors after all." King replied. He's such a well - polished guy. I'm glad he's the first Entertainer I encountered on this world.

"May I ask what the decision is?" King returned the cup to where he got it, completely empty.

"We accept." Mystica said almost instantly.

"We'll let you be the entertainer of Sina's Inn." I added.

"Thanks for having me. I'll do my best from this point onwards." King said happily, but without dropping his composure.

After that, we made King fill out some forms just like all other residents of this place.

"So that inn is now ours huh?" Mystica asked. I know she's excited. After all, that's a huge property that we're about to claim.

"Sure thing. But the paperwork of the inn will be difficult to process. A week at best." King said while filling out the forms.

"Fine. Can we at least visit it today?" Mystica asked.

King stopped from writing and looked at us.

"Sure." He said, with a wide smile on his face.


We walked along the road that leads to Ptah's Inn. King is in front while Mystica and I are behind him. The morning air smells nice as always.

"Here we are." King said as we arrived.

"It's a bit dusty and the wooden floor might creak from time to time." He proceeded to opening the main door of the Inn.

As we entered, I couldn't help but be amazed at how big it is. It's as awesome as the that night when I went here. That takes me back, I looked so pitiful that night. If it wasn't for Sei and my Subconscious skill I would've left Mystica all alone and did what I could to save myself.

"Well, that isn't true. I'll probably help her out even if it kills me." I told myself. I already punched a god for the sake of a random woman after all. That's already a whole pile of stupidity on my part. Damn. Maybe if there is a stupidity attribute, I'd already be at 200 points max even at Level 1.

*Cough cough*

"Sorry, I did say it's dusty." King said as Mystica and I kept coughing. Probably from the inhalation of the dust.

"Okay shall we start the tour?' King continued.

He began by telling us details about the house. Starting from the lighting system, the materials used for making the inn and various other stuff. He also warned us that there are some trap doors lying around which he uses for his tricks.

"Careful, you might step on it." He said laughing.

King proceeded by showing us the kitchen. Then came the rooms which are wider than the ones back at Sina's Inn. Lastly, came the bath area installed with a hot spring.

*Cough cough* It's becoming more and more difficult to breathe so I told King that we should end the tour for now.

"Really? But I still want to show you guys the other facilities." He said.

"Sorry man, let's just do it tomorrow okay?"

"Sure." He said.

"I can't have my employers dying out on me now can I?" King continued.

*Thud* I heard the sound of a body hitting the floor and as I looked behind, sure enough Mystica is there flat on it.

"Mystica!" I rushed to her side and slapped her face, trying to wake her up.

"King help me get Mystica outside." I told him.

"Now why should I do that?" I feel my own body getting heavier now.

"You see Jean, here's the situation: I don't plan on selling this place nor do I plan on performing for you insects." My sight started dwindling.

"King what did you do!" I shouted.

"Only what I should've done from the day you entered this town." He said as he sat in front of me. His face is near enough for me to punch him but I don't have any strength left for that. He grabbed the top of my hair and made me look at him straight in the eyes.

"I'm disposing you Jean." With that, my body shut down completely.