Do You Have to Be So Ruthless?

As soon as Chi Shuyan walked into the orchid shop, that refreshing and lush spiritual energy grew denser.

When the florist heard footsteps, he turned his head and saw that it was a young and extremely beautiful girl. He perfunctorily said, "Welcome, please have a look."

After that, he lowered his head and continued to broken-heartedly hug the rotten roots of his family's lone orchid. The experts had earlier appraised this type of orchid at a sky-high price. He had initially planned to take advantage of this popularity and show his face at the exchange fair and sell the orchid for a good price at the same time.

Who would have thought that the lone orchid which he had meticulously cared for would suddenly rot at the roots? In the past few days, the roots had rotted even more. Forget selling it at a good price, he was even going to make a loss. He was so anxious that he was like an ant on a hot pan.