Yang Hongsheng Lifts His Head High

Yang Hongsheng looked at these aunts and uncles in front of him. In the past, these relatives always said that he was hedonistic and squandered money.

The news in particular of him buying so many talismans a while ago and being beaten up by his father for it spread widely among his relatives. They privately laughed at him for being feudalistic and superstitious, and frequently advised him to consume less fantasy novels and dramas.

He never thought that this bunch would now come to him for a favor. Sure enough, the wheel of fortune had turned. He suddenly felt proud and elated.

It was just that when it came to the Safety Talismans, Yang Hongsheng's heart throbbed painfully. Those talismans that he had hoarded were all ruined by his father, and the remaining two talismans had been given to his cousin's family. Not to mention these relatives, he himself had recently been pressing Master Chi for talismans.