Burial Mound, Chi Shuyan Arrives!

On the other side, when Qi Zhenbai, Chi Shuyan, and Zhu Bocheng rushed from the capital's Nanyuan Airport to Yongning County's ancient city, more than ten hours had passed. They had gotten a flat tire on the way before they finally arrived at Yongning County half an hour ago.

They were on their way to King Ying's tomb at the imperial residence.

Zhu Bocheng wiped at the cold sweat on his forehead and wanted to sigh with relief, but didn't dare.

The car was silent. He pulled out his phone and entered the brats' livestream, but when he clicked on it, his screen was still black.

Zhu Bocheng could only sigh and put it away.

His only hope right now was that those brats had good luck and were fine, but then he thought about how he had seen on the livestream earlier those brats burn half of the talismans he had kindly prepared for them.