Recognize Your Godparents!

Because the spirit rice had saved their lives, Grandpa and Grandma Zhou didn't have the slightest intention of investigating Chi Shuyan's secrets and identity. The two elders weren't greedy and were very satisfied.

Grandpa Zhou's greatest wish in his life was for his wife to recover. Now that his wish had been granted, how could he be greedy?

But while Grandpa Zhou and Grandma Zhou didn't plan to mention it, Zhu Bocheng took the initiative to tell them that he had almost died in an accident early on, and had survived thanks to the Protective Talisman from Sister Shuyan.

Having lived to this age, the two elders naturally had a discerning eye. Grandpa and Grandma Zhou naturally believed their grandson's words, especially Grandpa Zhou. He had seen many things in his life, so naturally, he wouldn't doubt it. The two elders were even more grateful when they learned that Chi Shuyan had also saved their grandson.