Snatching Medicinal Pills

Qi Hao couldn't wait to open the spirit bottle after receiving the Strength Amassing Pills. A wave of rich spiritual energy caused the heads of everyone in the hall to jerk around curiously.

Qi Hao was even more struck by the dense spiritual energy and delicate fragrance. At a glance, he knew that this was good stuff, so he hurriedly poured one out without caring about anything else and swallowed it without even asking what it was for.

Second Uncle and Aunt were scared to death.

Chi Shuyan spoke up at that moment. "It's fine for Haozi to eat this low-grade pill!"

After Qi Hao ate the pill, his limbs and bones felt extremely comfortable, and his whole body was filled with strength.

Not to mention Qi Yunxuan and Qi Yunchang, the rest of the Qi family were also very curious about the effect of this medicinal pill and wondered if the medicinal pills refined by Zhenbai's wife were as godly as Celestial Masters' medicinal pills.