Meeting Xie Mingxuan Again on Set

After Chi Shuyan left, she didn't go back to the Qi residence, but went straight to the film set.

Today was Monday. Because of her 'pregnancy,' Chi Shuyan's military training was completely ruined. In other words, she could take a break next week.

As for moving out of the dorm, she was still thinking about it. To be honest, it really wasn't convenient to stay in the dorm. She was getting along well with the girls these days, but when she thought about cultivation and pill refinement, Chi Shuyan still felt that it would be better to move back to Qi Zhenbai's apartment.

Chi Shuyan took a car to the film set. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to get in, so she stuck on an Invisibility Talisman. It would only last for half an hour, which was just enough time to reach the film set.