Elementary Level 3 Magic Weapon

Chi Shuyan chose an imperial jade bracelet and a supreme-grade bloodstone bracelet. She circulated her spiritual energy and sent it in. Unlike earlier, she didn't control the amount of spiritual energy, and she transferred too much. The two bracelets suddenly hummed at the same time and vibrated in Chi Shuyan's hands.

Since she had already filled them with spiritual energy, Chi Shuyan wanted to know what the jade would turn into if she injected even more spiritual energy into them. So, Chi Shuyan persisted for half an hour and continued to send in spiritual energy. The two bracelets hummed louder and louder, and suddenly flew out of Chi Shuyan's hands and whizzed about in the air.

Afraid of drawing attention, Chi Shuyan immediately cast a barrier.

The two bracelets collided with the barrier before doubling back.