Master Chi, What Is This Jade Pendant?

After visiting Yu Rong, Chi Shuyan went to see Xie Mingxuan. He had only been drained of a bowl of blood, and had woken up last night. It wasn't a big deal, but Manager Cai wanted him to stay for another night, so Xie Mingxuan could only give in.

When Chi Shuyan arrived, it was quite lively inside. Yu Qun was also there and was telling Xie Mingxuan what happened after he fainted yesterday.

Yu Qun had his back to Chi Shuyan and didn't notice her. He continued to say excitedly to Xie Mingxuan, "Mingxuan, you don't know how powerful Master Chi is. She took care of that evil cultivator in just a few moves. That evil cultivator was no match for Master Chi at all; he couldn't even compare with one of her fingers. You didn't see the fight. Sand and stones flew everywhere. It was even more dazzling than the special effects in the fantasy movies we film."