Meeting Fu Shiyin (2)

No matter how complicated Zhou Manqing's heart was, Chi Shuyan planned to take her along. Zhou Manqing wasn't a pretentious person either; she had always missed Fu Shiyin, and indeed wanted to see him.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, when Chi Shuyan and Zhou Manqing arrived at the private room in the restaurant, Fu Shiyin was already there. Compared with his elegant poise the last time they met, the other party's face was now very pale and haggard, and he had utterly bloodless lips.

He used to look like a young man in his prime, but looking at him now, Chi Shuyan realized that his body was a bit hunched. He was clearly in his prime, but he looked like an old man.

Fu Shiyin was clearly dressed in a hospital gown. He forced a smile. "I haven't been feeling well recently! It's nothing!"