Don't Kill Me

"Uncle, Uncle, it's me, Jiang Xue. Aunt asked me to call you for dinner." Jiang Xue knocked on the door of the bedroom with her crutch. She didn't hear a reply from her uncle, and thought that he was still showering.

If it were any other day, Jiang Xue would have called a few times before giving up and going downstairs. However, since she had just come back today, she subconsciously wanted to curry favor with her uncle. Even if her aunt didn't like her in the future, she had to win her uncle's favor.

After all, she knew that her family relied on her uncle. What if her uncle also bore a grudge against her because of what happened before? Wouldn't her family lose all the benefits from before?

Thinking this, Jiang Xue felt that she had to show her uncle her sincerity. Her tone became even more gentle and obedient as she called out, "Uncle, are you done? Aunt asked me to call you. Uncle, I'll wait at the door and go downstairs with you!"