Call from Yu Jinzhou

Speaking of Yu Jinzhou, Chi Shuyan was really curious. How did he suddenly fall into that woman's clutches? She couldn't help but ask.

Yu Jinzhou recounted the entire incident. He had subconsciously taken precautions ever since Tao Jiang appeared. When he saw that the woman was too solicitous toward Chengfu, he didn't have a good impression of her and was instead very repulsed. In addition, he had gone on a few dates with Chengfu and ran into the Tao woman every single time. Chengfu didn't think much of it, but Yu Jinzhou was very suspicious after these coincidences.

So, there were a few times when he took the initiative to be solicitous toward the woman, wanting to probe her motive.

He thought that the woman liked Chengfu, but who would have thought that she was targeting him?

There was only one time when he went out alone to drink with this woman. Who would have thought that he would fall for her trick? Plus, she was a black magic user?