Wei Ting (2)

Chi Lingyan smiled widely at Wei Ting's words. He hurriedly nodded and said, "Just like Ah Ting said! We're all family, don't stand on ceremony!"

After Wei Ting toasted Father Chi, he clinked glasses with Chi Shuyan, who was drinking something other than wine. He had seen what she liked to eat earlier, and he took the initiative to put the dishes in front of her, and urged her to eat more.

Chi Shuyan also thanked him!

Chi Lingyan, who was watching on the side, was very satisfied. Mother Wei thought that her eldest son finally got it, and she was just about to heave a sigh of relief. Who would have thought that after the kid was done clinking glasses, he would suddenly say to her, "Mom, haven't you always wanted a daughter? Why don't you just treat her as your goddaughter? Just nice, I get a new little sister, and she's so beautiful. Those boys will definitely envy me to death in the future!"

Mother Wei: …