Call From Qin Qing

He didn't know if it was because he was really too depressed, but Feng Yuanlin didn't stop Shuyan from drinking after that, and really had her drink a few bottles of red wine with him.

Because of the trauma from his "drunk aftermath" with Qin Qing, Feng Yuanlin didn't dare get drunk now, and doubted his own alcohol tolerance.

But after a few bottles, although Shuyan looked tipsy, her eyes were bright and she looked very sober. Feng Yuanlin heaved a sigh of relief.

After that, the restaurant waiter served the food. The taste was really superb. Unfortunately, Feng Yuanlin, who had just found out that he had been cuckolded, couldn't eat at all.

Feng Yuanlin was afraid that Shuyan would drink too much and hurt her stomach, so he placed a bowl of rice in front of her to fill her stomach.

Chi Shuyan nodded. "Brother Feng, eat something too!"