Blowing Hot and Cold

Chi Shuyan had thought before that Qi Zhenbai might be in a bad mood because of Brother Feng, but now, she felt more and more that it had to do with her.

She didn't know how she had offended this man, and was curious and helpless when she thought about how he was ignoring her.

After playing chess with Grandpa Qi, the man sat next to her during dinner, but he couldn't hide his indifference.

This man usually picked up food for her, but tonight, he ate his own food from beginning to end and treated her like she was invisible. Chi Shuyan knew that this man wasn't petty and easily angered. Then, how on earth had she offended him?

She couldn't help but think of how she couldn't remember what happened after she got drunk last night. Her head throbbed. Could it be that after she got drunk, this man had caught her fooling around with Brother Feng?