Outrageous Roommate, Xia Lanying

In the end, Yang Lan and Zhen Yu could only follow Shuyan out. When they left the dormitory, their faces were still black. Yang Lan in particular was filled with righteous indignation. She and Xia Lanying had also clashed a lot before, and today was a combination of new and old grievances. She was even more furious.

This Xia person was just as outrageous as Tang Ningbao. Zhen Yu calmed down a little. Seeing that Yang Lan was still so angry, Chi Shuyan patted her shoulder to comfort her.

Yang Lan said, "Shuyan, you don't know how long I've been tolerating that Xia woman!"

Zhen Yu and Xia Lanying didn't get along either. Zhen Yu wasn't someone to nitpick, but when it came to someone like Xia Lanying, she couldn't avoid it. She sighed and said, "Shuyan, why did you move out of the dorm back then?"

"Is that girl your new roommate? Why haven't I seen her before?" Chi Shuyan asked.