Putting On an Act

When she got to class, Chi Shuyan heaved a sigh of relief and placed the two bags on the table. She shuddered when she recalled how the man had stared at her gloomily when she entered school earlier. However, thinking about it, they had already broken up, so there was really no need for her to be afraid. Only then did her complexion improve. Besides, she didn't think that Qi Zhenbai was a man who couldn't let things go.

If it were any other man, that might be a possibility, but Qi Zhenbai had always been calm, self-assured, and decisive, whether it was about other things or his feelings. He might still have some feelings for her now, but they would fade after a while. Besides, she wasn't the only woman in the world.

He might really be able to find someone who was better and more suitable than her.

She firmly believed this. After all, he had his family background, abilities, and looks; it was impossible for him not to find someone better.