Stunning (2)

Grandpa Qi still hadn't come back to his senses by the time Old Master Zhou left. He recalled how Old Zhou said that his wife had been cured of her stomach cancer, and he jumped to his feet in shock. Zhenbai had mentioned this to him before, and he had also sent someone to check. However, Grandpa Qi was still shocked at learning for certain that Old Zhou's wife's terminal stomach cancer had really been cured because of his granddaughter-in-law's spirit rice.

This was simply better than finding out from any medical report.

It seemed that this granddaughter-in-law gave them all extraordinary things. For example, the spirit rice, Nourishment Pills, and these tea leaves; which one wasn't a treasure?

Grandpa Qi knew that these were extraordinary treasures, but Old Master Zhou's words gave him a deeper understanding of how extraordinarily precious the things from his granddaughter-in-law were.