Qi Zhenbai Wakes Up (3)

Mother Qi's heart ached for her son to begin with, and what Father Qi said hit a sore spot. She was about to flare up, but Old Master Qi saw Zhenbai's tired expression and the bulging veins on his forehead, and immediately flared up at Father Qi. "Eldest, what kind of attitude is that toward your wife? Why didn't I see before that you're an unreasonable person? You want to try getting angry at your wife again?"

After scolding Father Qi, the old man's eyes fell on Mother Qi with some impatience. It wasn't that he disliked this daughter-in-law, but the more he looked at Mother Qi, the more he felt that Shuyan, the granddaughter-in-law whom Zhenbai had found, was simply too good. His grandson really had good taste.