Zhuang Yanru's Motive

Chi Shuyan didn't hide anything and briefly recounted the matter of the Buddha in Dashan Village. Although she downplayed the situation, Teacher Yu could still sense how dangerous and frightening it had been. Teacher Yu never expected the Buddha pendant to have such a huge connection to a village, especially when Shuyan mentioned that there were no living people in the village and that there had been a magnitude 9 earthquake. Hearing this, Teacher Yu, an outsider, was in shock and felt lingering fear. Only when he heard Shuyan say that the matter with the Buddha pendant was over did Teacher Yu heave a sigh of relief.

As the two chatted, they arrived at the entrance to the neighborhood. Chi Shuyan told Teacher Yu there was no need to see them off, and took the little guy's hand as she prepared to flag down a taxi.