The Commotion Caused by the Spirit Tea

After her spirit tea was auctioned off, Chi Shuyan wasn't interested in watching the rest of the auction, mainly because no one had wanted her spirit tea, which was a blow to her.

Chi Shuyan waited for Qian Zhengde at the front desk. The auction was probably already coming to an end; she didn't have to wait long before people came out of the hall one after another. A small number of people were in a good mood after picking up something, while most of the people who hadn't gotten what they wanted discussed the next auction as they left the Jing Auction House.

A group of young people caught Chi Shuyan's attention. She knew that the young man in the lead was the rich person who had won not only the Golden Lotus, but also her spirit tea. All of them had eye-catching looks, but their expressions were stiff and ugly at the moment, except for one young man in the middle who wore a confident expression.