Strange Red Line

By the time Chi Shuyan got to the police station, it was 1:30pm. Ever since he found out that she was awake, Qi Zhenbai had called her no less than five times.

When she got out of the car and went to meet up with Brother Feng, she was still on the phone. Feng Yuanlin was waiting for her outside. When Chi Shuyan approached him, Feng Yuanlin could hear Zhenbai's exhortations, and his expression turned strange. The single man was immediately stuffed with dog food. He lamented enviously, "How clingy! Shuyan, why is this kid afraid that you'll get lost when you go out?"

Chi Shuyan knew that Brother Feng was joking, and couldn't help but chuckle. She didn't say much more to Qi Zhenbai as she had work to do.

The two chatted for a while longer before hanging up.

Feng Yuanlin's expression was constipated the entire time. He was really too full from eating too much dog food, okay?