Yang Ji's Horror

When Yang Ji woke up the next day, he found it hard to believe that he could still see the sun. The bedroom curtains and the window were open. The sun was shining brightly outside. When Yang Ji saw that the weather was good, he was excited and shaky.

Just then, Feng Yuanlin came in and called out, "Yang Ji."

When Yang Ji saw that Director Feng was in his place, he was very excited and incredulous. He didn't know if it was because he suddenly remembered what happened last night, but Yang Ji suddenly looked around.

The weather was good, so the bedroom was well lit. Everything looked the same, as if he had just had a nightmare last night. It wasn't until he felt pain in his neck that Yang Ji hurriedly reached out to touch it. After confirming that there really was a wound on his neck, the nightmare-like memory of last night flooded his mind like a bolt from the blue, scaring Yang Ji immensely.