Frightened Li Xiaoyan

It was naturally impossible for Yang Ji to come and see Yuan Yuan right away. He was the next victim, and none of them dared to let Yang Ji take the risk alone. Moreover, Yuan Yuan was too agitated right now, so what was the point of calling Yang Ji over?

Seeing how unstable Yuan Yuan's mood was today, Wang Jinyang and the others just looked at her for a while before they found an excuse to leave.

Except for Huang Chong and Chai Qing, everyone else got ready to leave.

Xia Mingcheng was no exception. If it were in the past, Yuan Yuan wouldn't have been willing to let him leave. Seeing the others leave one after another, Yuan Yuan's eyes grew more and more manic, and her face turned faintly green. However, she didn't say anything else. Her face was gloomy, crazed and cold as she stared fixedly at the group leaving the ward.