Meeting Master Chi's Husband (2)

Qi Zhenbai had offended his childhood friend in the past, and he also knew that Feng Yuanlin had put in a lot of effort to get him and his wife back together. He wasn't someone who didn't know what was good for him, so he took the initiative to chat with his childhood friend. He even took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it over. Feng Yuanlin took it and put it in his mouth in a familiar move.

Qi Zhenbai took out a lighter for him, then took out a lot of cigarettes and distributed them to the boys in a good mood.

Zhenbai's unusually enthusiastic and amiable behavior simply stupefied Feng Yuanlin. When did this friend of his descend to the mortal world?

Could marriage really change a man so much?

Feng Yuanlin's eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

As for Xia Mingcheng and the others, they finally got a good look at Master Chi's "husband."