Retribution (2)

As soon as Chi Shuyan arrived at the community building, she heard a mournful cry for help, like a pig being slaughtered. The cry was filled with despair and fear, and could make the heart tremble and the scalp tingle.

Chi Shuyan swiftly followed the sound upstairs. She stopped at a familiar apartment on the 16th floor of a building. If she remembered correctly, this place belonged to that Yuan woman.

In other words, it was that Yuan woman who was in trouble?

Chi Shuyan pinched her temples. What a coincidence.

Of course, she didn't expect that Yuan woman to get her payback so soon.

She walked around the side to the balcony. The curtains weren't drawn, so Chi Shuyan could clearly see the scene through the full-length window.

In the bedroom, a mass of black qi was wrapped around the big bed. It was only when Chi Shuyan focused that she saw a woman under the black qi with her limbs splayed as she was pressed to the bed.