Old Liang Family Residence, Du Zhong's Horror

Du Zhong's words made Fang Yu, Lu Ningwen and Director Huang look at each other in dismay. For a moment, they were really worried that Zhou Chengfei had fallen into the well. That would be too unlucky.

Director Huang was even more worried; if something happened to Zhou Chengfei, the production team wouldn't be able to bear the consequences. He couldn't wait to immediately take the young men to the well in the outermost courtyard to look for Zhou Chengfei.

There were actually lanterns hanging in and outside the old Liang family residence, so the path was still visible, but the young men thought it wasn't bright enough, so they turned on the flashlights on their phones and went straight to the outer courtyard, shouting Zhou Chengfei's name as they walked.