Old Liang Family Residence, Lu Wenjing In Trouble (2)

"Wenjing, are you going to wash your hair or shower first?" Song Yanru suddenly asked.

"Sister Song, I want to wash my hair first!" Lu Wenjing's familiar voice rang out from inside the bathroom.

"Oh, then I'll get you some pajamas first. You start washing your hair first, and I'll come and help you later," Song Yanru said warmly.

"Okay, sorry to trouble you, Sister Song!" Hearing the noise outside and Film Empress Song's kind attitude, Lu Wenjing no longer felt insecure, and she relaxed.

Lu Wenjing focused on washing her hair, but after a long while, Film Empress Song had yet to enter the bathroom. Lu Wenjing was a little puzzled and couldn't help but call out a few times, "Sister Song? Sister Song? Sister Song?"

Unfortunately, Film Empress Song didn't respond at all.

Lu Wenjing's hair was pretty wet now, so it wasn't good for her to go out and see if Film Empress Song was around. Forget it, she should wash her hair first.