"hmm! hmm! hmm!"

A young silver haired little girl was humming while walking in a large and richly decorated hallway. The servants around her were slightly surprised to see her act so when she was usually so prim and proper, but otherwise didn't comment.

It was only after she reached the final step towards a large silver door that she stopped.

"Okaa-sama. I am back."

She spoke quietly and opened the door to the room.

There, on the other side stood a woman wearing a purple suit and pants while talking on her smartphone.

Despite the sharpness of her gaze, and her neat bun, from the silver color of her hair it was easy to see that the two were related.

Once the older one finished her call she faced her daughter,

"Anna, you came rather late. how was it?"

"Sorry I did not feel the time pass. Everything went well Okaa-sama. I have met Dar-i mean Karino-San. He was as wonderful as you said he would be."

An entranced expression briefly flashed on her face before it went back to her normal smiling self.

"I see. Your union with him is of paramount importance. You can use any means necessary to make him choose you."

"Any means?"

She tilted her head in wonder as tens of different, but less than morally correct, means went through her head before finally settling on a rather bold one.

A large smile stretched on her face as she put her hand on her stomach.

"Any means it will be."

She would have him. No matter what. No matter how. After all,

"This is love."

---- POV:???

"Tic toc. Tic toc."

A little girl was swinging her feet while sitting on what looked like a large cushion and holding a manga while murmuring those words without end.

Her diminutive height aside, she was truly a beauty. Her dark skin, purple eyes, and lavender hair almost as long as her entire body. Her most striking features being the small dot on her forehead.

"Is this thing called Manga really interesting?"

A low rumbling voice sounded above her head.

"Hum… Not really interesting. But well, I need to pass time you know? This place is so boring." She didn't even bother raising her head as she said.

"I see."

"Tic toc. Tic toc. Hum. By the way, are you sure you shouldn't intervene? At this rate your new Apostle will be broken before she even manage to meet you outside of her dreams."

"... You know the rules…"

"Hehehe. True. Those damn rules are the reason why I am so bored lately. Well at least that Hermes delivery is always on point. I wonder how much that bastard get from all the gods."


"Yeah yeah. But old man. Are you serious? Still chiding me despite how old I am?"

"No matter how old you become, you will always be a child compared to me. After all, I am your creator."

"Hugh~!… Can't argue with that."

Silence fell between the two before the little girl, her head still buried in her Manga, asked

"Hey old man."


"Do you really have to do this?"


"I mean. You are a god you know? You are eternal aren't you? Why do you want to give up on your power and give it to some little traumatized girls. There are literally billions of people in the same situation."

"Do you even need to ask? After all, I am as bored as you. If not more. After all, I have lived so much longer than you. I am tired of this life."

"...I see. But why her?"

"I do not know. My initial choice was another boy. I even had a little game prepared. But… You know what happened."

"Ah… You mean what happened a few weeks ago."

"Yes. A large fluctuation in space and time. All the infinite numbers of possibilities that previously existed were totally wiped out for a short instant before a new set of infinite possibilities appeared. The worst is that the source of this fluctuation is totally unknown."

"Hum...I see. So this is why those old bastards want to open the gate of our world sooner than usual."

Nodding at her deductions, she closed her book and finally raised her head. What filled her sight was a large throne on which sat an even more enormous being.

His head looked like the skull of an unknown creature, and a golden crown reposed on the top. The rest of his body was hidden beneath a dark cloak.

"Hey old man. No, I mean, Deus." A large maniacal grin split her face as she continued, "It looks like our boredom will finally be satiated."

----END OF VOL 1

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