Of course I wouldn't tell her that. 

Words had power. Said power depended on who uttered them. 

Words coming from a sage would be words of wisdom, while when coming from a ordinary man, they were just useless and stupid words. 

"Anyway Mamako. I wish to become strong. Very strong and as fast as possible."

"*Sigh* I understand. Then I wish for you to wait four months rather than the original time you had agreed on."


"As you said you are very weak. I don't know much about Fuli, but he isn't someone you could beat with just one month of training. Don't you think it's a little reckless."

"Huh? Who said that I was going to fight him?" 

An awkward silence settled as we gazed in each other's eyes. Finally, I understood where the misunderstanding came from. 

"Hehe, sorry. I am not stupid enough to believe that it would be possible to do so. From the start, my plan had never been to fight against him fair and square. I just wish to be used as a bait to lure him out."

Why the fuck would I break my back for that bastard Fuli? I didn't even care that much about my supposed parents death. If it wasn't because of Shuka I wouldn't even bother about that. Still… 

"Why four months?"

Mamako woke up from her stupor as she watched me with weird eyes before smiling. 

"Akira-Kun is really interesting."

-5 affection points for being different from her son. 

+5 affection points for being different from her son. 

'Man that woman is really unstable currently.'

What more, the way she called me didn't escape my notice. I could feel her being closer to me even though her affection points were still the same. 

"The reason I said four months is because in three months, something very interesting will happen. One of the most prized worlds connected to Yggdrasil will open its door."

Like in myth, Yggdrasil, the world tree was connected to all the worlds in the universe and allowed one to travel. All the gates were connected to it. 

"Which world is it?"

"Fufufu. You will find it very interesting. I won't tell you what will happen. But let's just call it the world of God's. Though, the people who live there generally call it, Little Garden. "

World of gods? What kind of BS was it? An anime? A game? Or a natural occurrence from this world? 

Wait. Little Garden? As in THE little garden? No. Let's not jump to conclusions. I seriously need to do some research. 

"I see… And you are sure this will allow me to become stronger."

"Hum… I can't make any promises. 9 out of ten won't get anything from it. It isn't a question of talent or anything. You will understand once you visit. What's more, it's a little weird. They generally never open their door."

I nodded, in fact, to be honest, I had to admit that my initial plan was rather rash. Even though being the bait wouldn't force me to fight him, I still couldn't say with assurance that nothing could happen. Four months wasn't a long time anyway. 

What more, we were in August. Four months later will be December. Killing someone on Christmas seemed interesting. 

'Does Santa Claus exist in this world?' 

Something worth pondering. 

Now then, since I had a little more leeway, I guess I could take some rest. 

"Mamako, are you free currently?" 

"Hum? Yes. Why?" 

"Let's go for a date."

Her stunned expression was really a sight to behold. 


So, why invite Mamako to a date?

Bruh. Because she was a hot MILF. What more reason did I need? 

Though I was 13 years old, my body was rather tall. So even if I stood with Mamako people wouldn't even think that it was a child and a mother but rather two teens walking together. 

Of course this was my little head talking. The bigger one had different ideas. 

I needed to see the world. 

Ever since I woke up, aside from going to the second mansion for the party, I never left the house.

This wasn't good. Being a recluse wasn't good in any way. I needed to see the world for myself. I needed to understand how different it was from the one I was used to. 

This was my true goal. Mamako was just the side dish. 

'I am really callous.'

Well, what can I do? 


Three hours later, while standing in the lobby, I watched an angel, 


Once again words of praise escaped my mouth as I watched the woman in front of me. 

It didn't matter that she was in her thirties. Anyone seeing her would immediately guess that she is seventeen at most, perhaps even lower. She was wearing a short, white dress with a pair of white stockings and a straw hat on her head. 

To be honest, I was totally mesmerized. Mamako was far from being one of my favorite characters. But this didn't change how beautiful she was. 

"Ma-ma-ma! Akira-Kun you are going to make me blush."

Behind her I could see Ram giving me the stink eyes. My only answer to that was a smirk. Ram would never use her foul mouth while in front of Mamako. Seeing her act like that was always funny for me. 

Rem on the other hand was as expressionless as always. Breaking into her heart was a tall endeavor. But I was in no hurry. What more, she was too young. At least 2 or 3 more years were necessary. 

'Is this how Hikaru Genji felt?' 

The tales of Hikaru Genji. The story of a true bastard. He was basically the Japanese version of Don Juan, and he was damn good at what he did. 

One of the most noteworthy feats of Hikaru Genji was how he raised a little girl to become the perfect woman for him. 

Truly a sick bastard. 

But we all know that many men dreamed of being able to do something like that. 

'Well I shouldn't tary too much either. Rem love is absolute. If by some bad luck she were to meet Subaru too soon, I would only have my eyes to cry.'


What followed was a true eye opener. 

The house I was currently in was a little away from the city. We used a car to go towards it. The driver was Wilhelm, while Mamako and I were the sole passenger. 

Along the way I thought at first that  the world didn't change as much as I thought it would. 

Then we reached the city and then I understood that the world was truly different. 

I already knew that other races were now living on earth. Rem and Ram were the living proof. But, as the two of them looked completely human when not using their horns, I always somehow dismissed it. 

But as I watched a cat girl serve as a maid while welcoming me and Mamako in a restaurant, my impression was renewed. 

But the difference wasn't only about the races. 

The technology was also more developed, more refined. 

This world was truly interesting. 

The rest of the day went surprisingly well. 

Mamako was acting a little more like her old self and I managed to see some interesting sights. 

Though seeing a Gay minotaur send me a wink while wearing a skirt and a hello kitty shirt was rather disturbing. 

I had nothing against gay's mind you. But I never understood why some gay's had to act like sissy. No matter what your sexuality was. A man was a man. Why the fuck would you act like a girl? Well, we lived in a free world. 

I thought that the day would end in a simple note when a sensual voice sounded from behind us. 

"Oh~? If it isn't Mamako? It has been a long time."

I turned to face the source of the voice and was immediately stunned.

Long red hair, a hot body and a witch hat. 

This was none other than… (E/N: WAIFU!)