Hello dear diary. How are you? This is the first time I am writing, but the counselor said that I should do it. 

Today is a sad day. Papa and Mama are dead. Onii-sama is wounded. 

They tell me everything will be alright, that I don't have to worry. But I know. 

They think of me as stupid because of my age, but, I can see it. Those relatives don't care about me. They are mean people. 

Papa, Mama, why did you die? I miss you so much. 

But don't worry. One day I will kill them. I will kill all those related to your death. So please, wait for me. 


Hello dear diary. Again, it's me. 

Today I met someone new. She is called Mamako, what a weird name. Seems like she is related to Mama. A sister? No, perhaps a friend. 

She is so beautiful, but I am not letting my guard down. 

I can't trust anyone. I refuse to trust anyone. I just have to train and become stronger. 

Soon, soon. 


It has been two weeks now since Mamako and her two maids joined us. 

Onii-sama is still in coma. 

I don't know what to do. I feel so alone. Everyday feels so suffocating. 

Will onii-sama ever wake up? 

Will I have to live alone all my life? 

I don't know. I am scared. Please, Papa, Mama. Help me. 


It's now been a little over a month. 

Why don't I write more regularly? I don't know. Writing is supposed to help but it does not do much. 

Mamako is trying to be kind and to help me but I can see that all her heart isn't present. Ram told me that it's because she lost someone important. 

So she is also like me? 

She is also alone? 

Can I trust her? 

Should I trust her? 

I don't know. I don't know anything.


I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am so sorry. 

Please Papa, Mama, don't hate me. Don't abandon me. I didn't mean to let you die. I didn't want to hide while he was killing you. 

Am I a bad girl? Perhaps I should have helped? 

I don't know. Please, please, please. Someone, anyone, help me. 


Ah, yesterday I went and slept with onii-sama in his room. 

He was so calm, so peaceful. I felt like he was also dead like Papa and Mama. 

But, but, yesterday I didn't have any bad dreams. Papa and Mama didn't come and talk to me. 

Perhaps onii-sama can help me? But he is still sleeping. What should I do?

Perhaps I should pray. But to whom? No, it doesn't matter. I just have to pray. I am sure a benevolent god will listen to me. 



Onii-sama finally woke up. Thank you, Kami-Sama. 


Onii-sama forgot who I was. I am a little sad. But at the same time. I like it very much. 

This new onii-sama is so warm. So gentle. 

Ah~! I am happy. I am so happy. Finally there's someone to help me. 

But what if I am useless? Will he throw me away? After all, he doesn't remember me. 

No! He can't! He won't throw me away. I am sure he loves me!! 

But, but, perhaps I should become more useful? Should I increase my training? 


Today was the day of the party. Onii-sama was so cool. He literally awed all those bad guys. 

But, he met those fiancee of his. They are all so beautiful. And their breasts… 

Mouh!! Onii-sama echii! Why did you have to always look at them?

He thought he was stealthy. But I know. I always watch Onii-sama. How could I miss it? 

But this isn't a problem, right? I am still a growing girl. I just have to drink enough Milk. 



Today, I snuck once again in his room. Only by sleeping next to his bed can I sleep without having nightmares. 

But this time Onii-sama wasn't sleeping. He was waiting for me. 

Ah~! Such bliss. Sleeping in the arms of my Onii-sama is perhaps the greatest reward I could have. 


Today Onii-sama was frustrated. I guess his studies in magic aren't going well. 

What should I do? I can't help him study. 

Perhaps I could prepare something for him? 

Hum. I need Rem's help. 


He liked what I did. Even though Rem helped heavily, it's still me who did the main job. 

He even patted me on the head. 

Ah~! If I didn't fear that he wouldn't like a dirty girl I would never wash my hair again. 


What happened?!! I thought that my heart would stop. 

Onii-sama was once again in Coma. 

I cried so much. I am embarrassed. Thankfully it was just a false alarm. 

I don't think my heart could take it if Onii-sama left me. 


Onii-sama feels a little different. I don't know how, but he suddenly became stronger. 

Still, he is as cool as always. He also became stronger. The way he fought against Rem and Saeko was so cool!!! 

Rem seemed weirdly frustrated. She didn't seem to wish to stay near him. This never happened before. Even though she never really liked him she has never shown such obvious dislike. 

Perhaps it's because of his new power? Or perhaps because she lost? Don't know and don't care. Anyone who doesn't like Onii-sama is a meany. 

The sole problem is the name of his techniques. Why are they so cringe? Why call it Shinra tensei or Bansho Tenin? Weird. 

But it doesn't matter. Onii-sama is the best. He is the strongest, the coolest. Being a little chunni only made him cuter. 


Today, it's my birthday. I wonder, does anyone remember it? 

No, it doesn't matter. Onii-sama is the greatest gift. That alone is enough. 


Kyaah!!!! Onii-sama is seriously the best. 

He organized a surprise party for me. 

Though his fiancees were present, it doesn't matter. 

Thank you, Onii-sama, I love you!!