CH 34: VS REM(1)

"So, A-Kun. Could you explain now what is happening? Why the sudden rush and how did you find that Gasai was the culprit?"

Well, how to explain it?

We were now back home. After discussing with Mia, we managed to establish a basic plan that should have enough leeway for the sudden change.

I did not just want to destroy Gasai. I wanted to send a message.

Don't fuck with me.

The fact that I could also obtain more wealth and experience was just a nice bonus.


"Sorry, I was thinking. Hum, to say this? I kind of met a goddess?"

Then I began to explain everything that had happened. Of course, I didn't hide the fact that Yuno called me singularity and the reason why.

The more I acted like I had something to hide the more suspicious people would be of me. So I simply hide nothing aside from my true identity.

{So I don't count as a person?}

{Hehe. Not my fault. Who told you to search in my head?}


Why did I have an eldritch entity in my head? Initially, this wasn't how it was supposed to work.

She should have only explained the rules and then went away.

Sadly...for her, she got curious. Seems like Asmodeus had left me a last gift to protect my identity.

I both loved and hated that guy.


100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10 km running every single day.

I followed this regime faithfully when my stats were still human and I must admit, even though it didn't give me super strength nor did it make me go bald, it was a great workout.

Right now though,


My hands shivered as I counted while lowering and bringing myself up.


The floor was completely covered in sweat and my vision was a little blurry but it did not matter.


My surroundings seemed to be warped in a swamp. But it didn't bother me. After all, this was the effect of my power.

"And... 600!!"

I put all my remaining strength in my hand and propulsed myself before doing a rather beautiful flip and landed on my feet.

*Huff* *Huff* *huff*

'Shit. I don't know how Rock Lee does so much more but that guy is truly a monster.'

Yeah, the regime Saitama gave was only suitable for a human. With my current physical capabilities, doing it was just as a form of warm-up.

"Akira-sama could you please stop using your power? I do not want to participate in your masochistic training."


"Your words warm my heart as always Ram."

I replied before doing as she asked and lowered the gravity around me.

When I obtained the power to control gravity the first thing that came to my mind was one simple thing.

I can increase the gravity around me.

I have a body that can evolve infinitely.

I am a fucking sayan now!!!

Well, my hopes were dashed rather fast. Dragon ball was BS. Or rather my base strength was too weak to even try this kind of Crazy training.

Increasing gravity on oneself wasn't just about having some weight.

All my body was under the strain. From. My muscles to my bones and to my organs. So I had to be very careful.

100x gravity was out of question for now. Not like I could even increase gravity by this much yet.

But increasing the gravity by four or five wasn't bad for training. I have read somewhere that 3x gravity increases was basically the limits for the average human with some of the extreme cases reaching 4. So I used a four-time increase and worked out.

My goal was to be able to keep the gravity around me increased every day 24h/24. This would allow my physical strength to continuously increase even without me working out.

"Thanks for the towel Ram."

Currently, I was in a large training room dedicated entirely for my own personal use.

Being rich was truly great.

"Akira-sama. Shouldn't you wear a shirt now? Aren't you ashamed?" Rem spoke in her usual deadpan way.

"Ashamed?" I lowered my head and looked at my slightly muscular body and six pack with a raised eyebrow before asking back curiously. "Why should I be? We already saw each other naked anyway and my body is great."

The two of us snickered at Rem's dumbfounded and blushing expression. It was always funny to tease her. Though I never took it too far. Our relationship wasn't as close as the one between Ram and me.

Her affection had reached 70. But it took a nose dive after she learned of my identity as a warlock and fell to 20. Ram on the other only fell from 90 to 85 and soon came back to 90. It seemed like she didn't really care or at least could make the difference.

"Anyway, Rem it's time for our daily training. Which one do you prefer? Weapons or no weapons?"

Rem simply huffed and said stiffly, "No weapons."

"I see."


"Are you ready?"

Ram stood on the fringe of the rings as she looked at me and her twin sister. Once we nodded, she lowered her hand.

"Then fight."